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The team working on the Ares project has released version 0.3 of the widely used DLL file that adds new features to Yuri's Revenge. This release, along with fixing bugs from previous builds, supports new missile types and fixes the issue that prevented more than 74 items to appear in each sidebar menu.



You can download Ares v0.3 by clicking here. It is also best to read the documentation on the new version to see all new features and known issues.

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Not necessarily. The version number doesn't mean mods can get released. New releases may bring new stuff, but can also break old features. Look what happened to save/load functions.

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Not necessarily. The version number doesn't mean mods can get released. New releases may bring new stuff, but can also break old features. Look what happened to save/load functions.


Hasn't been said anywhere that MO 3.0 will be released the moment Ares 0.3 is out. That guy is jumping into conclusions. As for save/load in Ares, that thing has pretty much been broken from the get-go rather than something that the later builds broke. Pointless to 'fix' at this point either as any number of future additions and/or changes would require altering the save/load code again.

Edited by Starkku

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Maybe, but Mental Omega has had a singleplayer campaign since the vanilla v2.0, hence their need of the save/load function. The same goes for everyone who wishes to create singleplayer-oriented mods.

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Hasn't been said anywhere that MO 3.0 will be released the moment Ares 0.3 is out. That guy is jumping into conclusions. As for save/load in Ares, that thing has pretty much been broken from the get-go rather than something that the later builds broke. Pointless to 'fix' at this point either as any number of future additions and/or changes would require altering the save/load code again.

ah.... when my reply was qualify as any kind of "conclusion"??

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don't mean to bump. been looking at a mod call Reign of Steel, and wondering if Ares 0.3 have the ability to allow air units to be rendered in sprites instead of voxel?? the temporary solution seems to make your aircraft hover really high, but the short coming of this method is that the aircraft can no longer to land on pads and to rearmed, the crafts would just hover.

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