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Homeworld HD

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Apparently gearbox are going to release HD versions of HW1 & HW2. Loved 1, but the start of 2 mirrored the start of 1 too closely and I lost interest. Might try again when it comes out.

During a panel at PAX Australia today, Gearbox announced upcoming HD remakes of Homeworld and Homeworld 2. In addition, the studio will make original, unaltered versions of both games available digitally. No specific pricing or release date for either the HD versions or the unaltered versions has been announced, but Gearbox head Randy Pitchford noted that a “small team” is currently hard at work on the projects at Gearbox. Gearbox acquired the rights to Homeworld back in April from THQ. At the time, Gearbox chief creative officer Brian Martel said the studio plans “to preserve and assemble the purest form of the original acclaimed and beloved games.”





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Waste of time make a new game!

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Why not Gearbox make a HD version of Duke Nukem 3D (since the fan-made version failed to reach expectations due to licensing issues)? They had rights to develop Duke Nukem Forever and its DLCs.

Edited by zocom7

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It's not a waste of time and they will make a new game.


I advise to play Homeworld2, not only the vanilla game (the official backstory) but also the skirmish play and some MODs like Complex, Rearm and others.

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Hmm, so they're moved it planetside? So its not really a "space" Homeworld game anymore... Not that I mind, I found the game rather dull in space.

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