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The 5 biggest video game disappointments of 2013 (so far)

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In no particular order:

  • Aliens: Colonial Marines
  • The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
  • Star Trek, the video game
  • MLB 2K13
  • Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded

Article: http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in/5-biggest-video-game-disappointments-2013-far-000454136.html




1. I thought Leisure Suit Larry series is dead after Activision bought most of Sierra's assets.

2. As for MLB 2K13, developers should learn that you cannot release a new retail game showing the same thing year after year with just one minor change. The Call of Duty series is about to be heading in that direction.

3. Games made from TV series or movies are essentially unnecessary unless its based on an epic theme, and most of them flop and fail! (with the exception of Dune, Blade Runner and some Batman and Spiderman games)

4. Company of Heroes 2 is overrated and should be in this list (probably top 10).

Edited by zocom7

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1. I thought Leisure Suit Larry series is dead after Activision bought most of Sierra's assets.



2. As for MLB 2K13, developers should learn that you cannot release a new retail game showing the same thing year after year with just one minor change. The Call of Duty series is about to be heading in that direction.

Sports games actually do not need many improvements. A few tweaks here and there, new rosters and that's it. It's how things go.


3. Games made from TV series or movies are essentially unnecessary unless its based on an epic theme, and most of them flop and fail! (with the exception of Dune, Blade Runner and some Batman and Spiderman games)

Since you brang up Star Trek, you are by all means very, very, very wrong. While Activision held the ST license between 1999 and 2003, they spawned the best games in the franchise: ST Armada 1 (2 was crap, but is better for modding), Bridge Commander, Elite Force 1 & 2, Starfleet Command 3, Away Team...

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And nothing of value was lost with those titles.


What he said.

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Guest Stevie_K

My beloved Alien franchise got molested :(

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While my hate might not have much merit to it, I bloody despise GearBox after what they done with Colonial Marines, ha! I feel like they just try to milk fans of franchises such as Duke Nukem and Aliens while they only put in impressive work for their own IP such as Borderlands. Understandable? Perhaps, but that doesn't make it right.

Edited by CyborgBanana

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Gearbox, as I recall, was handed Duke Nukem Forever after years of delays. They released a 1998 game in 2011 so of course it's not going to be very good by current standards. Hell, ACM is a 2008 game released in 2013 and it lacks the polish that other Gearbox titles received since they worked with two other studios and had years of delays. Gearbox delivers quality when they have their own people doing all, or most, of the work.

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Guest Stevie_K

For once I fell into the preorder trap. Everything I found on Colonial Marines looked pretty good up to the release. It was only when I found myself halfway through the utterly chaotic and uninteresting singleplayer part that I felt like a total idiot.

I'm a huge sucker for the Alien universe, and the art direction sold me when I preordered.


I would love an Alien game more in the gameplay style of Amnesia. Imagine that!

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