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Is Popcap Games the next EALA?

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EALA used to be developing games at a rushed pace, but now it seems like Popcap is doing just like EALA.


I mean several years ago, when EALA was developing three C&C games at the same time, look what happened:

1) Kane's Wrath was outsourced and got limited post-support until CGF123 continued the post-support of patches himself after WrathEd was released.

2) Red Alert 3 was rushed leaving gaming design and gameplay incomplete. Luckily, the patches owe up part of the mess.

3) Tiberium was cancelled because it did not meet gaming standards. Obviously I think it was EALA's loss of focus due to RA3 development.


Now look what Popcap is doing to Plants vs Zombies into a franchise with rushed developments:

1) Plants vs Zombies Adventures was released as a Facebook game app in the middle of 2013. Although the gameplay is tedious at times, it received limited post-support and there are still issues remaining leaving more gameplay elements still yet to be added into the game.

2) Plants vs Zombies 2 was released in October of 2013 as an incomplete game (and only for Android and iOS devices) and also got limited post-support. Thing is, an actual PC version of it is nowhere to be seen yet. A recent update of the game now gives you a chance to destroy the boss to end the campaign.

3) Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare could be the first cartoonish game on Frostbite 3 engine and is heading for a release date one day later than the Renegade-X MP release (that's the PC version date). The Xbox One and PS4 console releases are several days released earlier. There's a good chance that this game could also be an incomplete release. Gameplay is mostly co-op.


Probably after Garden Warfare, I'll bet Popcap could be working on Plants vs Zombies 3 with another rushed release date probably later this year (or next year). It's too bad the title wasn't named as Plants vs Zombies 3: Garden Warfare because it's not even a sequel to the original. Pretty soon I'll bet that Popcap will be shut down just like EALA if it can't stay on succeeding expectations.

Edited by zocom7

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I agree the facebook game was tedious.

Although I'm waiting for Space world in PVZ2, I would hardly call their post-launch support inadequate.

Although I was initially enthralled with a FPS PVZ - now it seems to just be a Team Fortress clone and I'm less interested.


Changing subjects - I read somewhere recently that the COD franchise has now got three different software houses (Infinity Ward, Treyarch and Sledgehammer)

working on the franchise. It essentially gives us an annual COD release, but for the developers they have three year development cycle.


Which I think is a good compromise.

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