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Xbox Live's Crappy Status

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How ****ing stupid is Xbox Live these days. Apparently for the past 3 or so days Microsoft has been having connectivity issues with Xbox Live. As you can see here....






So what's the stupid part about this? Well even if you aren't playing online it still screws you up. You can't play any game at all, neither a game DVD or HDD game load. You can't even play a DVD movie. Everything loads to a black screen. The only quick and dirty solution is to disconnect the Xbox 360 console from the internet. Its so damn annoying that some major connectivity issue with their network prevents you from doing anything. And it must be a really big problem if its been going on for 3 days now.

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This is one of the reasons complete dependence on the Internet is a bull**** idea :P

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Same here, it happens whenever I wanted to do something for the last two weeks or so (yeah because I had this issue for that long, I don't use it much though :( ). You can launch the application or games before connecting with your profile, once it starts you can select a profile and/or connect, however when you want to switch things you have to launch them from the "Recent" menu.

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Another reason why always online, whilst great in theory, bombs in pratice... Or at least for a little while.

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