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Another Cancelled Game: Command & Conquer Battle

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The team at C&C Saga have uncovered another, and possibly long since cancelled Command & Conquer game. This one was called "Command & Conquer Battle". Little is known about this game, other than the short list below and some concept images.



  • Able to play via a tablet
  • Set in the universe of the original Command & Conquer
  • Features multiplayer and co-op
  • Play a game with 4 free app purchases
  • Cartoon like graphics

More images can be seen by visiting C&C Saga. Or check out the gallery here on CNCNZ.com.

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Well that is very bright...

Well...um... glad it was not released... based on the artwork style and the apparent lack of any visual connection to the universe I know and love.


That's not to say the gameplay or concept would be inherently bad...

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This is similar to what the Zynga devs did in Empires vs Allies, but I didn't know this game was developed until it was cancelled. Cartoonish indeed... worse than RA3.

Edited by zocom7

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The artstyle is horrible. :o


That being said it would be nice for a C&C game on mobile. You know, one that doesn't suck I mean. ;)

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I have an android phone and tablet, so no luck there. :( Anyways, those games are old now, need something fresh.

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I found some Pogo Command & Conquer titles many, many years ago though I was never certain if they were official games, thought I would just share what I knew if any of you happened to be curious. The first I remember was a title called "Command & Conquer: Armored Assault", which was pretty fun actually, but it got dull quickly. Sorry for the crap quality of the recording, I couldn't find any superior footage.



The second is a very similar style (Both because it's Generals themed and the perspective style used) called "Command & Conquer: Attack Copter". This was the first game I uncovered on Pogo when I was younger and could spend hours playing it. These titles seem to be very unknown which leaves me to think that they might not be official titles.


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These titles seem to be very unknown which leaves me to think that they might not be official titles.

Pogo is owned by EA, so... :D

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