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This latest Call of Duty game is full of fails

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Here's the new trailer for Black Ops 3:


I like the Deus Ex style of COD, but the graphics, ugh, why wouldn't Activision ever change? The usage of PhysX has yet to show up in the series and features like add-on support, dedicated servers and LAN have sort of disappeared.


Too bad NOT EVEN a single person or persons to tell Activision to stop developing COD games until they come up with a new graphic engine to improve functionality. Even the system requirements are bogus just like Advanced Warfare and Ghosts. I'll bet the weaker graphics can still play even on Windows Vista SP2 x64-bit no matter what the restriction requirements are (as some guys did on Ghosts). If you look at GTA V, it doesn't need a high-end DirectX 11 video card or 6 GB RAM to run the game. But COD is already running like any other sports game that's released once a year, and even most sports games have much better graphics than recent COD games.

Edited by zocom7

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But COD is already running like any other sports game that's released once a year, and even most sports games have much better graphics than recent COD games.

Sports games (mostly) at least change or add features from year to year. Try saying the same for CoD. :P

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If you don't think Call of Duty changes from year to year, you're just relying on morons who just like to hate on Call of Duty. Take it from someone who actively plays it... they're not carbon copies.

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The only thing that trailer does makes me want to find my old Tour of Duty collection box :o

I think the whole CoD is overhyped, otoh so is BF or crysis these days. I did like the first black ops, but the second totaly threw me off the franchise. And i do love the that lvl of tech/future franchise....i just think its used really shallow in both BO and the latest Adv warfare.

Also deus ex handcannon rip off ftw!

Seems like its another activison marketing hype....milking the same **** again. I would really love a good CoD or even BF game to get me back into it....


Also all these games are made for a single target audience. You can't change the forumale to much else you loose from that audience. It is why all the "next gen" are so blend imo. They don't dare to alter the formula.

Edited by Ravendark

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They make nice trailers. :nod:


Last COD I played was MWII and that was years ago. I like Battlefield as it lasts longer, though EA are trying to push out a new shooter every year too now. :(

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This latest image has a symbol that reminds me of something, did Activision made a similar copycat of the ZOCOM logo from EA's C&C3 Kane's Wrath? Compare that flying insect to a hawk with wings spreaded out:


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The similarity is superficial at best, and a depiction of spread wings is hardly a unique design.

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You were saying?

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This latest image has a symbol that reminds me of something, did Activision made a similar copycat of the ZOCOM logo from EA's C&C3 Kane's Wrath? Compare that flying insect to a hawk with wings spreaded out:


Not really. I don't really see it. Here's the ZOCOM logo for comparisons sake....



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