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More bad news with games that had DRM

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Source: http://www.pcgamer.com/security-update-disables-safedisc-games-in-windows-vista-7-and-8


The good news is that Microsoft is getting rid of DRM in all recent Windows OS newer than Windows XP, and who knows if Windows XP is going to get that security update as well. The bad news is that games that once had DRM will no longer run with the security update unless they are cracked. At least most people knew why DRM was terrible (and I hate it too).


Now gaming companies that once provided DRM to their older games (without installing to Steam/Origin) are going to be pissed off. Steam, Origin and Battle.net still have games with their own DRM on them (with no need of a disc).


But two questions remain:

1) Will newer games still carry DRM even if recent versions of Windows no longer supports it?

2) Will older games with DRM will be patched (even if they are still supported) to have DRM removed?


edit: Even Red Alert 3 is going to have issues with this because it has ******* SecuROM. But I am not sure about Kane's Wrath and C&C4.


edit 2: As of a new gaming myth: Cracks win. DRM lose.

Edited by Sonic

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Alright, first things first...

SecuROM v5.x, which is used by BFME2, RotWK, TW, KW, RA3 and RA3U is NOT AFFECTED AND RUNS SMOOTHLY even on WINDOWS 10.


The good news is that Microsoft is getting rid of DRM in all recent Windows OS newer than Windows XP


And that is good how?


and who knows if Windows XP is going to get that security update as well.


Earth to zocom7...


2) Will older games with DRM will be patched (even if they are still supported) to have DRM removed?


Unless you count Steam/GoG releases and the rare companies that still patch their games, no.


edit: Even Red Alert 3 is going to have issues with this because it has ******* SecuROM. But I am not sure about Kane's Wrath and C&C4.


The only issues with RA3 are the limited activations which, for some reason, are still valid and a server still exists to keep track of them.

Edited by Plokite_Wolf

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