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I based that picture on each user's avatar :P


I don't know who have alliance with who, or if someone here don't get along with certain modder~

So if you find yourself next to someone you don't get along with see it as pure coincidence =-D


The people behind the recent mods here~






Needless to say I didn't made it with the intension to offense anyone, just made it for fun ^^


And yea.. it may look unfair that I, Sonic and megumi are the only humans there.. but hay I didn't really choose the GDI commando because he was my favorite or anything, I choose it purely so that people could recognize me as the UOP 1.04 creator from my mod's logo xD

Edited by Egozi44
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I am a Zone Shatterer? Actually my avatar used to be a Zone Raider back in the old C&C forums. :P


Also you forgot Plokite, Madin, ztz2019, Chimas, Banshee, Bibber, Inferno, Zee Hypnotist and Luk3us.

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Well I mostly meant to the current modders I see here frequently, they either mod or help other modders


I planned to add Plokite as he unseparate part of the c&c community as wolverines or maybe random wolf model from BFME (which I don't imported yet btw xD)

But totally forgot :/


I didn't knew what your old avater was eh eh, I thought I go safe and make you as zone shatter xD


Maybe will edit the pic as I really forgot many modders. .. will be challeng to find unit for each one though

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Nice work. I'm not a modder though ;) And remember if you ever use our site's name its always "CNCNZ.com". For those wondering its pronounced as "See-En-See-En-Zed-Dot-Com".

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Eh eh thanks xD

Always wanted to know the meaning behind the Z though


I'm not a modder though ;)

I did wrote plus admin ; p


Someone need to hold the fort so that random people could find one another, it not easy task

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Always wanted to know the meaning behind the Z though

"Zealand", preceded by "New" (although it doesn't really mean New Zealand anymore, it's just letters).


You can satisfy all your curiosities about this site's history here.



Also you forgot Plokite, Madin, ztz2019, Chimas, Banshee, Bibber, Inferno, Zee Hypnotist and Luk3us.

I assume only C&C3 modders were meant to be included, and I am pretty sure some of those named have not modded C&C3.

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Oh thanks



I also don't familiar with some names, I saw some of them on other forums but never dig in

Edited by Egozi44

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He was busy gathering stuff for his dam when the picture was taken ;D

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He was busy gathering stuff for his dam when the picture was taken ;D


+1 :thumbsup:

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I think Lauren misunderstates Bibber's busy habitat life. ;)

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Umm find something that represents biber would be hard >.>

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Umm find something that represents bibber would be hard >.>


Because Bibber is a busy beaver. :D

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This would be the oportunity to totaly commit to that decal, by creating a support power that spawns several beavers that repair structures in a sertain radius, while doing a smacking with their tail animation!

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Ah I remember that awesome decal from the old c&c forum xD

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"Zealand", preceded by "New" (although it doesn't really mean New Zealand anymore, it's just letters).


You can satisfy all your curiosities about this site's history here.

What a way to bore us all.

Now you spoiled the magic and mistery on figuring out the Z in absurd ways:




dragon ball Z affiliations


All more colourful then New zeeland, wich isnt that new it seems, been arround a while already!

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Haha! I only exist as a shadow under your feet. :P




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Lol, you may just gave Stygs idea for new name

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Lol, you may just gave Stygs idea for new name

No. Just no.

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It's actually based on TWA, was a gag years back on thundermods and was created by shmafoo iirc.

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Back then, I had no idea what Stygs stood for until now.....



Strange Guy with Guns = Stygs



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It really what it stand for? O.o

I thought it was something in German like

Stein gate xD

Edited by Egozi44

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Not sure what my old Photobucket account has to do with anything. oO


The name "Stygs" is in fact as misspelling of something I heard while creating the account as I didnt want to use my old account names.



Edited by Stygs

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There's one other part that's unrelated to this thread and a bit off-topic too. After all this time, I finally learned which animal represent the user(s) based on the avatar and/or name:




Plokite -> the wolf

Ravendark -> the raven

Bibber -> the beaver (probably named after a Pokemon)

Inferno -> the phoenix

Nmenth -> the dragon

Luk3us -> the pony (I'll bet he still loves ponies to this day :D )

Dr. Destiny -> half fox, half Beowulf

Zee Hypnotist -> formerly the bee, now the rabbit ;)

Sonic -> the hedgehog ;)

TaxOwlBear -> half owl, half bear

Ztz2019 -> the cat

Malevolence (former user) --> the kitty cat

Slye_Fox (former modder) --> the other fox

Luvaskot --> avatar looks like the snake

Stygs --> a version of Clint Eastwood (stands for "strange guy with guns") ;)

Pasidon (Revora) --> the dinodog :D



Edited by PurpleGaga27

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