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Do you remember your first "Boink" in Renegade?

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I do not remember it, but the question has left me somewhat perplexed; should I remember it?


On one hand, I played an obsessively large number of hours back in the day. Every free moment not spent eating or sleeping was spent in Renegade and trips to the restroom had to be delayed until between matches (which since I played marathons could be many hours). It would seem the first kill should have been important.


However, I did not start playing online when I first got the game. I had dial up internet back then, so I played online practice matches instead. And the little I did play online was fraught with lag, so even if I did get a kill, it was probably luck rather than skill. It was not until I finally got broadband that matches even started mattering. That makes the first kill pretty insignificant.

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I don't know how Westwood first came up the idea of a "boink" sound effect every time you are killed or someone else is killed in action before respawning. It never happened in every other FPS game. I thought that sound effect was kinda annoying.

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I had my first one in APB, and I even though I don't get those often when I play, I can't remember it :P

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I never really liked the "boink" kill sound in Renegade, I ended up replacing it with a blood curdling scream that was taken from the original C&C.

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Love the boink sound. It is about as satisfying as the points sound sound when you kill someone in Bad Company 2.

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