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Trump v Clinton

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Re: Super Tuesday

I say yet again that US elections should run like Eurovision and that the rest of the world should have a say in who the 'leader of the free world' is..



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No, because that would make the "Leader of the Free World" title a real thing.

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I don't give a **** about politics here in New Zealand. So I feel the same aboat US politics. They are all just a bunch of bull****, propaganda spewing con artists.

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Whoever wins the election, I'm positive the American people are going to prosper and the world will suffer less of their army's meddling :rolleyes:

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Hmm.. Hillary "Lizard woman who will sell my kids to aliens" Clinton or Donald "Mussolini but the trains won't run on time" Trump. Shall I be boiled in oil or drawn and quartered?

Well I'm just going to apologize in advance for when we inevitably nuke the world.

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It's still too soon to tell whether this race between Trump and Clinton will be on.


But what about..... "Black Lives Matter" and building a huge wall on the Mexican border (that was a berserk idea by Trump)? Will those be forgotten, no. When it comes to minorities, most of those people will vote for Clinton no matter what, and so will women. Besides, Bill Clinton was the past when he was POTUS in the 90s and this 2016 could be the year for Hillary.


Yeah, I am getting tired of the same old **** politics these years. They are becoming more corrupt, especially in California itself where high taxes, price gouging and money corruption are existent.

Edited by zocom7

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It's like choosing between the bad and the worse, if it really ends up being Hillary and Trump, sadly, I'll be forced to support Trump!

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I'll be forced to support Trump!

That conclusion does exemplify the problem with the first-past-the-post voting system.

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You know, I wasn't sure how long it was going to take for the US to take back the crown of worst leader since we blitzed the field with Tony Abbott, but it seems you may be doing just that.

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Trump and Clinton are like choosing from two big bowls of ****. Neither are good for the country. Hell, nobody in either "major" party are good for the US. Only one I can stand is Sanders.

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Sanders at his 70s is getting too old to go all the way. I would have support him if Clinton was not there.

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Clinton is a bat**** crazy third wave feminist. She's also illegally hosted classified emails on a private server. I don't want some crazy broad as president who says **** like "The primary victims of war are women." Hell no. I'm voting Libertarian. **** this bull****.

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Only one I can stand is Sanders.


Colonel Sanders? ;)



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I wish Bernie Sanders is Colonel Sanders of KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). :P

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Why don't you just except the British crown again? Judging by your current elections this independence thing isn't really working out ;)

Think about it over some tea and biscuits....you know it is the right move ;)

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Great idea. Let's follow in Britain's staggering, Orwellian footsteps. ****ing brilliant.


In other words, no thanks. My system is imperfect but it's better than your draconian future.

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We basically have the same systems...democratic system. People vote for their representatives. The details might differ when it comes to parties, ideologies etc but the result is the same. For those European countries that still have a monarchy..its mostly powerless and serves as a cultural thing more then a ruling body.


All by all it is a scam to give the people the false notion of power and control, while elections are as corrupt and rigged as possible.

You are just as screwed as the rest of us.

Politics..abandon all hope ye who enter here.

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Finally it's time. Trump vs Clinton is on and history will be made this November. ;)

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Trump and Clinton perhaps the two most hated candidates in history. :P Oh this is going to get nasty. :o:nod:

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I've watched politics my whole life. The Reagan Era, the Clinton Debacle, the Bush Embarrassment, and the One Big Ass Mistake America. I wrote for news outlets for awhile and our country has reached a tipping point in these few years where if can't return to how things used to be, then we'll fall into a socialist state that will lead to communism similar to cold war USSR. That's a very brief statement without punching out a few books to explain the matter.


This election season, if you don't believe our federal elections are rigged, is the most interesting one ever. We're faced with the DNC candidate whose entire life is questionable to even be allowed to walk around, let alone freely, to the RNC begrudgingly supporting a billionaire who has played the political business game and never held a public office before.


I plan on making a holiday of it in November to watch the election results. IMO if Trump gets it, may the odds be in our favor to stabilize and grow. If Clinton gets it, I'll be relocating to a South American country because under her gross neglect of duties in every office she's held thus far, our days are numbered. I've more than had it with the bs politicians.


Overall, if the economy doesn't recovery then it'll be chaos. History tells us what mob mentality is like during an economic collapse. I'd rather not be here. I only like apocalyptic scenarios in movies.

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I strongly agree with dvs1. Even if folks don't agree with the communist part of dvs1's post, it's easy enough to understand that those who dislike socialism usually associate it with failure. Failure is exactly what a Hitler-ee Clinton government would be. Under the Bilderberg chosen candidates, soon everybody will become dependent on the government: the politicians will hand out foodstamps like cocaine and their customers will get addicted, deny the fact, and keep coming back for more!


Although Trump is not accustomed to politics I think he'd be quick to act, and he would fix a crisis even if his stance became contentious to many. Trump is a seemingly-impossible mix: he's pro-business but anti-globalisation in cases where globalisation is bad for America. Killery Hilton is the exact opposite, she's 110% in the globalist banker's pocket and she attended Bilderberg in Virginia back in 2008. She's the New World Order's bitch ;)


I want to see team Trump'n'Putin become a thing. If Hillary was president, she'd try to poke the bear and there'd be no cooperation with Russia. We'd all pay for it. Hillary and the other war-hawks would have us all believe that we could win a war against Russia, if that's what it came to. I don't wanna get the Earth nuked so I'd stay the hell away from Hillary.

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lol wut? Bilderberg is for real! They hand-pick the best puppets. If Bilderberg wasn't influential, then how come their guests have to hide their faces with newspaper? Why would they need to keep it hush-hush until just the past 10 years?


General Betray-us runs away from a reporter at this year's Bilderberg meeting:



*he's being asked if he thinks Hillary should resign from the Democrats.

Edited by jeffnz

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