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Throwback Thursday for 8th December

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In this week's Throwback Thursday, we look back at the American superweapon from C&C Generals - the Particle Cannon. At first, it looks like a discount Ion Cannon from the Tiberium universe, but unlike its GDI counterpart, it has the ability of moving the beam to any location of the owner's choosing as if it were a unit, potentially causing a lot of damage in a larger area. In Zero Hour, the American Superweapon General Alexis Alexander had the Advanced Particle Cannon, which was 50% cheaper, but took longer to recharge. As with other superweapons in Generals, multiple Particle Cannon Uplink buildings could be built at the same time.

Remember, you can click on the preview to see a larger and more detailed image. Don't forget to check out the Throwback Thursdays archives if you've missed a week. Check back again next Thursday for another Throwback. Send in your ideas for future instalments. We also encourage you to share this on social media using the hash tags #ThrowbackThursday, #CnCTBT and #CNCNZTBT.

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