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A way to start cooldown with a trigger?

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So I have some thing I want to do and my issue is with the cooldown

I added some ability to structure, the ability have cooldown and can't be pressable till some upgrade will be present, however the cooldown will begin regardless of the set conditions,


Sure it won't be pressable but it will keep load the ability till you get the upgrade and then you can active the ability right away, I don't want it to be this way,  Is there any way to make the ability's cooldown to Wait till you get the upgrade?

UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade in the gameobject behavior or forbidden upgrade in the special power xml don't work (I mean they are but not for the cooldown)

Edited by Egozi44

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Maybe "StartsPaused= "true" will help here? or it will just cause it to be paused forever? xD


Edit... yup seem like it paused forever...  Dx

Edited by Egozi44

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try startspaused but use the unpausespecialpowerupgrade module to trigger it. Additionaly add ObeyRechageOnTrigger= true to the unpausepsecialpower. Try that.

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13 hours ago, Ravendark said:

try startspaused but use the unpausespecialpowerupgrade module to trigger it. Additionaly add ObeyRechageOnTrigger= true to the unpausepsecialpower. Try that.

Didn't work :/

That what I did:


  <AttributeModifierAffects Rule="UNPARSED"/>
  <RequirementsFilterMP Rule="UNPARSED"/>
  <RequirementsFilterStrategic Rule="UNPARSED"/>



I think I came up with a better idea though, how about replacing the button with upgrade button? I need it to spawn a unit from the structure though (but not the same way as product/train it)

Is there any OCL code that can trigger after X upgrade been activated? Or maybe FireWeaponNugget that will trigger from the upgrade and will have OCL instead,

(I also hope the upgrade will work with the upgrade object code so it won't effect other structures... or else I will need to have 9 different upgrades ids Dx)

I can tell the unit to disable the upgrade upon death and it will crate loop (hopefully... cause if the upgrade button will decide it stop being pressalbe after the upgrade been purchased I screwed...)




I found CreateObjectNugget which also have RequiredUpgrade in the definitions,  however since I never used it before on a unit I don't sure how to add it to gameobject's behavior code...

Edited by Egozi44

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How do you even come up with these ids?

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 The blabla ones aren't the real id, the numbers and letters are what WED extracted

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What weird version of WE do you have that it magically creates a 40bit integer out of a 32bit one?

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buggy 1.08


WED also randomly does it to random things 

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