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CNCNZ.com Game Night #3 - Kane's Wrath

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Welcome to the third CNCNZ.com Game Night!

The intent is to make a multiplayer event for our forum members and followers, one where we'd just have fun with a chosen game or mod, without worrying of getting destroyed from higher-skilled players if we didn't want it so. So here's our chance of chilling out and playing C&C together. Free-for-all, 1v1, 2v2, 5v2, prettiest base contest, you name it, we can do it spontaneously.

For this game night, we've decided to go with :kw:Kane's Wrath :kw:, as per the previous vote. If you already haven't done so, make sure your copy is properly installed and patched according to our new guide. Make sure you properly install the 1.02+ map packs, as they have the fewest bugs. The session will take place on C&C:Online (there's a guide for that if you need it). Make sure you have the game running before the event.

There are (a) few rules, which will remain the same for all game nights:

  1. No cheating, intentional disconnects or map hacking (includes using one-sided maps where one player/team gets unfair advantages)
  2. Don't use exploits intentionally (especially in Tiberium Wars/Kane's Wrath)
  3. Treat everyone with respect and don't misbehave
  4. Don't teamkill

We will use the Russian 01 lobby (not Casual 01!!!) Make sure you mark your lobby rooms as "CNCNZ game night room #" so that we know where to go. The password for such rooms will be candykane

We will make use of our new Discord server, which has a special text channel and four voice channels for the game nights. Hop in through this link: https://discord.gg/4PN3HEa

The chosen date and time will be Saturday, 30 December 2017, at 18:00 GMT. You can use a time zone converter to determine what that will be in your time zone.


Due to technical issues on my end (the host) and the end of a confirmed player, this will be postponed for a week or two, but will be on a Friday not to conflict with GameReplays tournaments which are already scheduled for weekends until the end of March.


If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to post them below. We hope to see as many of you as possible during the game night!

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