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Problem with infantry running sounds

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Hello, veteran modders

I am creating my little mod and encounter an issue that i dont know how to fix.

Most edited infantry units dont have moving sounds like footsteps etc. Exception is nod shadows since they have this entry in their file:

                    ExcludedFlags="DYING" />
                    ExcludedFlags="DYING DECELERATE FLYING" />

But most inf units dont have this. I tried including crowdresponse and largegroupaudio entries in my mod to no awail.

I appreciate any help , thanks in advance.

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The shadows are a bit speical cause they can fly and EA looked for a way to mute them when they aren't on ground,
Dk why largegroupaudio not work for you though unless it's either hardcoded or maybe cause its key ID was extracted as hex over the original ID name (if you're using WEd that it)

What you can use as alternative is AnimationSoundClientBehavior with sound frames codes which you can use for walking too,

For general example here's a code for the Awakened when they're using land and death animations:

                    <Sound Frame="3" Animation="NUSILENT_LNDA" Sound="AudioEvent:Bodyfall"/>
                    <Sound Frame="26" Animation="NUSILENT_DIEA" Sound="AudioEvent:Bodyfall"/>
                    <Sound Frame="51" Animation="NUSILENT_DIEB" Sound="AudioEvent:Bodyfall"/>
                    <Sound Frame="17" Animation="NUSILENT_DIEC" Sound="AudioEvent:Bodyfall"/>

You can take it as a base and change it for any unit moving animations

You can also try something more simple like that edit though if you don't want to mess with frames





Edited by Egozi44

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