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Need some info on command and conquer generals

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Ive been to tons of forums and I dont have a clue. I realize this is a general forum but i need help. How in the world do you edit units in generals? I got final.big I opened big.ini or whatever and then extracted the files to my data folder. Then I opened weapon.ini for instance changed some numbers line 5.0 to 50.0 for damage and nothing happened. Can someone plz explain this.....i feel like such a dumbass

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Dont worry. Editing Generals is easy. If you know who to ask for help. Like the World Rebbelion mod people. I myself have no clue how to edit Generals.

Sorry that was no help, but I know when people post here, so it works for me :D

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Then I opened weapon.ini for instance changed some numbers line 5.0 to 50.0 for damage and nothing happened. Can someone plz explain this.....i feel like such a dumbass

Well, that actually works but you just didn't realize it.


However, you must see, which unit use the weapon you modified. It will be better if you see the unit codes first and then you can modify the weapon or make a new weapon.

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if you want more visible results, open Comandset.ini and change what each side and unit can build/use

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You got it! Movin' out.

How about a decent map editor for Generals/ZH?

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You got it! Movin' out.

How about a decent map editor for Generals/ZH?


O my god a decent map editor for generals world builder :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: It comes with the game :bang: :bang:

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Care to expand on your definition of "decent"? My worldbuilder (yes, the one with the game) sucks, is full of problems, and doesnt work well at all.

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Interesting. EA hasnt released a patch for worldbuilder either. Bummer. :tired:

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It would be nice if one or all the programers out there would possibly develope an alternate mapmaker. Like better features, or tweaked performance. Or I dont know. I cant make Generals maps. And that sucks. Period.

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i kinda know how to create maps. I set up terrain, start location, and i can do waypoints for trains, etc, and scripts. However, i don't know how to set up stuff like outer, inner perrimeter, and AI waypoints to attack and defend, etc.

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I cant even do that. My worldbuilder dont work. Courtesy of EA Games. terrific.

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i dont use worldbuilder because i dont understand how 2 use it yeh i know you'll say its easy but 2 me its not i can never figure out how to use that sort of thing or the construction set from morrowind just 2 complicated for a dumbass like me

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Worldbuilder is straight forward to use, esp if u follow that tutorial - it's infinitely easier to use than say the RtCW editor, or the Renegade one.

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i kinda know how to create maps. I set up terrain, start location, and i can do waypoints for trains, etc, and scripts. However, i don't know how to set up stuff like outer, inner perrimeter, and AI waypoints to attack and defend, etc.





Take a look at this. It should clear it up conceptually. Not that I know how to deal with world builder - mine shuts down every time I try to start it. But check this and the following thread out - just to see what everybody's up against.






Any good tutorials around that link the modding tools functions to the files? Especially how one might "break in" and fix the AI on some existing maps.

For example, the ZH map that won't run the specialist Generals - infantry, laser, and the like.


I'm an older guy and a former exec. in the board game industry, (retired), and I can't understand why EA management doesn't recruit someone to manage this franchise. If any of their grunts are scanning these forums, I challenge them to post an explanation. I'll go head to head. They are doing the shareholders and more importantly their customers a disservice. Believe me, there is an incompetent individual at the bottom of this - regardless of any pleas about financial constraints or future plans.


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Thanks for the link, I'll take a peek. And yes, I think we all would like to see an EA dude explain themselves to the community.



Well? We're waiting.

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EAComMike (an EA Community Manager assigned to C&C) also has to manage about 7 other games! So if we ever see something from EA again we'll be lucky.

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" In my experience, there's no such thing as luck."


-Obi Wan Kenobi

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Cygnus X-1 Isn't that the best candidate for being a black hole. I seem to remember that from Astronomy 101 about 30 years ago.

Hawking recently paid off a bet for staking out some erroneous theoretical position with respect to things being able to escape the event horizon of black holes - He's now working for EA Games as a product manager where he's putting his knowledge of black holes to practical use.


On the topic of World deBuilder, I got around to sorting out the crash and have been as busy as a beaver - the rodent - that is, but can anyone tell me the way to quickly move in and out of different map areas. I am using the camera to select and zoom in on areas I want to work on - but is that the way? Inside my CNC jewel case it says that WB "makes building detailed game maps easier than ever". The method I found is a pain. Especially trying to set perimeters.


Can anyone defog my aging cortex?

Anyone who isn't busy managing too many things to manage them effectively?


Hey Chickendippers have you ever been to Bootle?


I have but I can't remember why.

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Actually, I took the name from the first RUSH song I learned to play on the bass.


Youre kidding about Hawking working for EA, right?

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