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tiberian sun to RA2... How?

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Ok, I was wondering, how can I (in the easiest way possible) take all the units from tiberian sun, and add them to RA2 without wrecking all the changes I've made to RA2 already? (I don't care if this is ill-advised, I've got 3 copies of the game files. Thats like 3.something GB) Thanks for you help! :D


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You know, I can tell people have looked at this, why don't you say anything? If you don't understand what I'm trying to do, say so. Thanks! :)

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You add the units as you normally would for RA2. Not everything will work and you'll have to convert the graphics to RA2 format as well. It's a lot of work.

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Thanks, but do you know how I would get the attacks in from Tiberian Sun, I know this is gonna be a pain *sigh* I just wish that it was simple.

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Unfortunately, I still don't understand the weapons, even though I've looked at them and tried to figure them out. Right now, I've abandoned adding the units, but I will eventually come back to them. Thanks for your help! :)

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lol... why don't you copy all weapons, all projectils, all warheads... ohh... you might have to hunt for the images too.... and particle systems...

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Now that I think about it, every weapon from Tiberian Sun is present in the RA2 rules file. You'll need the sounds and images from Tiberian Sun but the weapons, warheads and to an extent, projectiles all exist.

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when did westwood get so lazy? lol... they need to also revive some older systems, like EMP.. hehe...

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isn't that illegal? meh.. don't care... that's good because i'm into getting newer countries running... and EMP is nice... hehe...

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Legality is an issue but EA doesn't really support YR or even Generals so we don't care. We'd give em the one finger salute anyway. Besides, I think modding the game violates the EULA already. We've reverse engineered the MIX file archives and that's illegal to do.

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