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RA3 Units - CNCNZ Style

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*Won't, and will remember that next time he's in Cowling, Yorkshire, UK.* :P

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hey, i support the war in Iraq...... :evil::evil: ....i will get angry with u my friend......just joking..... :D

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What ever you think should have been the reason for going to war or not, we did, and Iraq is now all the better for it.


BTw did you know that the one thing Iraqi kids thought was the coolest thing about invading troops was their sunglasses? The kids constantly asked the Coalition troops if they could keep their sunglasses, unfortunatley, most of the time the troops had to refuse them because they needed their shades for vision protection (from the sun)

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*laughs* Yeah I heard about that. I would've gladly given them my sunnies. I always keep two pairs on me. Don't ask why, it's just me :P

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o.O; k then... LOL at the Bushwhacker thing... the businessman thing was a little borderline but funny >>;

i've actually seen a grenade launcher launcher o.o; there was something like that created in WW2 to chuck weapons (like from people inside of a vehicle, out the back to soldiers behind etc etc. also worked for ammo and medical supplies)

and i know what you mean with the rabid fangal hunting party o.o believe me, it's like watching a group of wolves pounce on an injured rabbit...


country: furcadia


unit: the yiffer - bombards the enemy unit with so much confusing 3rd person action statements the enemy screams and runs away, thus allowing the yiffer to take any weapons/armour the enemy dropped


building: the Dream - a simple furcadian dream which produces yiffers at a high rate, upgrade includes the cosplaying yiffer - allowing the yiffer to get an animal costume. This upgrade allows the cosplaying yiffer to perform questionable actions to nearby neutral animals/units, which makes the enemy commit suicide


special weapon: a DSL connection - instantly makes any yiffer/cosplaying yiffers on the map divide into three seperate yiffer/cosplaying yiffers and allows all the units to perform much faster


(i joke because i've been there, as both units. i was a furcadian addict for over a year and i met my boyfriend there two years ago, we've been together since =3)

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Erm, Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is Furcadian? Hehe, I could do another one based on the stereotypical Maori, but I'll probably end up getting things like, "That's racially discriminating! I'm telling!" blah blah blah and all that stuff. So I won't. Yet anyway. :lol:

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it's someone who plays the game Furcadia. it's basically an MMORPG done in the style of an old 8-bit RPG... now imagine a giant online chatroom with 8-bit pixel art graphics filled with people like me that love to cosplay and roleplay... the only problem is some are so attached to it they actually think they are animals. i mean i know i'm human, i just like pretending to be a kitty sometimes. these people actually think they are cats/dogs/whatever and sometimes go to the lengths of surgery to change their appearance o.o

basically like every online game there is an adult area, furabian nights, in here everyone yiffs (basically cyber, the term yiff is apparently the sound two foxes make when they do it, and it's japanese for animal sex) so thus you get the yiffer... n.n;

www.furcadia.com whatever you do, don't stare too long or download. you will get sucked in. i like you people too much to condem you to that fate lololol

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*laughs* Well, I've heard about that kinda stuff..it's sad that people can go to those lengths. I'm going to heed your advice. I suggest everyone does too. ^_^

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well i picked up my love for cyber, my 3rd person action ability and my love for cosplay there... but that's only because i have strong morals and know when to quit. anyone who is addicted to anything should never visit that site lol

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Hehe, Mina, back on topic nows. Remember what King said? Hrm...I can't think of anything right now for the subject at hand, can you?

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how about this:

unit: pc - attaches itself to enemy vehicle then randomly disables it at key points in the battle. cannot be removed by any means


building: tech centre - creates pc's and irritates the enemy tank drives by putting them on hold. upgrade: "tech support" - makes the pc units crash more often, each damaging the unit slightly


superweapon: spam mailing - all units on the map are disabled for a few minutes while the CPU units get back online (infantry are not disabled, just confused. ie: if in combat will fight, but you cannot move them as they don't know where to go)

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:rofl::clap::clap: That's a good one! I'll have to think of one now..

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*bows* thankies XD i'll get another one in a minute... there's just too many things i could pick though y'know? ooo

unit: evil vending machine - spits cans at the enemy, cans may explode on contact


building: factory - creates vending machines and has upgrade - "tab money" - when upgraded this function slowly drains money, $5 at a time for every vending machine on the map from the enemy (stupid soldiers putting money in the vending machine again and again)


superweapon: - lawsuit! the coca cola company sues the enemy for 3/4 of their total money for using the trademark red on some single infantryman's uniform XD

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:lol: :lol: Even Better! Keep 'em coming! I'm still thinking! lol

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i'm zipped out of them for the moment sorreh XD; i'll keep bunging more in when i do though! n.n

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maybe we could have a character on the dancing robot? not as a fighty/shooty unit... too transformers or gundam... but more along the lines of humour/dancing to death lol

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yah lol... he could dance his way across the map and to attack he does a quick spin kick or punch-out keeping the beat n.n you could get some sweet graphic combos in there like that hehe... and each time he gains an experience level the music could change to something a lil faster paced? XD

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yeah, & he would have a special mute detector so if you turned down the volume or turned off your speakers he would stop, that way you would have to listen to bad music all day long :/

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:lol: :lol: I like, I like! But I got something:


Unit: Stereotypical Maori

Cost: $200


The Stereotypical Maori is the most laziest unit on the battlefeild. His attacks, which include bare-knuckle fist fighting, and ruthless stabbing, although powerful, will end up rendering the SM useless if he hasn't had his daily dose of marijuana. Why they are letting these units smoke dope in the army I'll never know. But it makes them willing to fight and paranoid enough so they make short work of their enemies when they're angry. Upgrades include "Pipe" and "Fitty Bag" which allow your SM's to be stronger, faster and higher.


Building: Pub

Cost: $1000

This is where all SM's come from, and essentially it is their second home. The drug market that runs through the pub allows commanders who build them make a tidy profit as drug deals go down. This is where the upgrades, "Pipe" and "Fitty Bag" are also bought.


Superweapon: War Dance Amplifier

Cost: $4500

When you have 10 or more elite SM's, you can send them into this building and have them perform the Haka or War Dance. Channelling deep maori mystical energy ( :roll: ) through special devices, it causes a massive explosion that can rip through the most fortified of structures, and Infantry and vehicles become nothing more than fleshbags and scrap metal. However, sometimes the device won't fire at all, because someone either forgot how the Haka goes, or they are too busy eating or sleeping.


*NOTE* I am only poking fun, not intentionally mocking here. Just so people knows.

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:lol: I seem to recall what happened when immeyournot and Mina last put ideas together :P

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LOL i was slightly curious what that person type was til now... do more stereotypes! lol they are funny... i got a few more but i can't... ooo!


unit: housecat - common housecat... attacks by pouncing and chewing enemy infantries' legs, and pee's on tank tracks, making them rust


building: cattery! - home of the noisy kitties... upgrades include puke attack and collars, puke attack upgrade allows the cat to throw up hairballs, grass or mice onto the feet/vision slits on soldiers/tanks causing enemy unit to become neutral (ie: i don't get paid enough for this...) collar upgrade allowing each cat to refund it's cost to the owner should it die in combat


superweapon: tornado - a large gust of wind hits the cattery, picking up a random amount (10 - 20) cats and dropping them in the specified location. though the strong winds do whip the cats into a powerful rage, they attack any and all units, enemy or friendly, in range n.n

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noo, you cant endanger the poor kitties! kitties are too precious, too nice & friendly to risk, send the dogs, i dont care about dogs. i love kitties! i have my very own kitty & her name is (dont laugh) leona, can you guess where a certain someone got their name? :roll:

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awww! well i got two kitties... s'pose it could apply to dogs with certain changes... jus used kitties cos i know them more lol *watches her little cat eat all her dinner, all her snacks then sit next to mom with an expression that says "oi where's my chicken slave?"* o.o;

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