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Guest MadBadger

Wtf does the avengers little blue laser do?

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Avengers rip Comanches to bits and shoot out their rocket pods. You'll be lucky to shoot down quads unless you got about 2 comanches for every 1 quad, in which case, you should be winning. Comanches vs ECM tanks is similar in that their missiles only scatter slightly.


yeah..i usually pull back my chopper rather than meet those nasty AAs...


well, atleast, the mounted canon can damage the ECM..

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The mounted cannon damages the avenger as well. Playing the Airforce General and using Stealth commanches it is possible to sneak up at the back of the avenger and destroying it before the turret makes the turn to fire at the commanches. You need a group of them though, (perhaps with some micromanagement in a one to one combat situation the commanche will win).

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The mounted cannon damages the avenger as well. Playing the Airforce General and using Stealth commanches it is possible to sneak up at the back of the avenger and destroying it before the turret makes the turn to fire at the commanches. You need a group of them though, (perhaps with some micromanagement in a one to one combat situation the commanche will win).


oh no...unless i got a dozen of them..

1st, avenger will shoot down the rockets & 2nd, the avenger will finish it up before it able seriously damage the avenger..

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A dozen for avengers has a name for it - Overkill.


Avengers are best deal with using good ole fashioned brute force. Planes and Tanks support each other in the military and ZH is no exception. you prioritise your targets and don't spawn tonnes of a single unit and you'll be abel to fight any foe. Even avengers, when you want to use aircraft.

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i use guns (Humvee & ranger) & shells (firebase) to take out avenger...

missile has little effect on avenger...


there's no way i'm gonna let my aircraft fly above 'em

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Despite F-117s being equiped with bunkerbusters they do have a tendancy to blast the crap outa Avengers.


Auroras too, but them you need to micromanage of you want to see them again. Then again, you should be attacking with all sorts of forces all at once, and preferable in several places, so you can counter everything.


Particle cannon great way to clear a small corridor of airspace to sneak aircraft in and out of. Best to have 3-4 so you can get them in, hold the dorr open, and then get htem out again.

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Auroras are the best plane at dealing with the Avenger for the simple fact being, Avengers can't be shot at until they unload their bomb. Because most of the avengers tend to be grouped, a single shot is normally devestating. Especially with the Alpha bomber!

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I jsut found this out today. A pair of MiGs will beat an avenger, despite the avenger getting half the missiles shot down. I jsut did it in hte GLA 5th Zh mission. Even with about 6 missile defenders nearby, the MiGs still got in and killed the avenger, while sustaining heavy damage on the way out, and I did eventually lose one to a PAtriot missile on the way out, but still


I was very surprised. Also, Avengers lasers are crap against F-117s, even when the Stealths are detected before they get to the avengers

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I jsut found this out today. A pair of MiGs will beat an avenger, despite the avenger getting half the missiles shot down. I jsut did it in hte GLA 5th Zh mission. Even with about 6 missile defenders nearby, the MiGs still got in and killed the avenger, while sustaining heavy damage on the way out, and I did eventually lose one to a PAtriot missile on the way out, but still


I was very surprised. Also, Avengers lasers are crap against F-117s, even when the Stealths are detected before they get to the avengers


i think it was the napalm effect...

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Not really. The Aveneger was dead when the last missile hit it, the firestorm didnt even start up till it was a smoking corpse.

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i see...


i never do any experiment like that one..

i'll check it out later on..

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Avengers have armour like paper. Paper burns. So the avenger burns. The initial missiles still have some fire effect even before the firewstorm kicks in, so the shots being fired and defeating the avenger shouldn't really be suprising.

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you'd think


It is arguable the best AA weapon in the arsenal for defending other things from airstrikes, yet one measly MiG can take it out.


Now you see the Threat China really poses, a few ranked MiGs flyin, waste the avengers, and right behind them come the helixes with more MiG support


"Death from above"-Orca pilot

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Avengers have armour like paper. Paper burns. So the avenger burns. The initial missiles still have some fire effect even before the firewstorm kicks in, so the shots being fired and defeating the avenger shouldn't really be suprising.


i notice that...if anything stayed stationary, the fire will burn it...rather big area..enough to cover few tanks...

the fire/firestorm effect does compensate what they dont have...accuracy..



i read somewhere that an overlord able to fire when Helix carry him..is that true?? never try it before & i didnt play Gen for a while..(cant find any Cyber Cafe with Gens)

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try it in skirmish


now if you have a bunker, then inf can fire out, however.....


i dont think tanks can


now in a combat chinook, this is an entirely differnet story. and combat chinooks have point defense lasers like the avengers, so very well deffended


very well


and vehicles can shoot out too i belive so.... :twisted::twisted:

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i wish i can find a cyber cafe with Gens here..


talking about combat chinnok...i use it as subtitute to commache sometimes.


load with MDs & pathfinders, its damn good...

Missiles, anti-infantry & lasers...

well, except that its expensive...



-4 missiles per reload/takes time



-vs ground targets


Loaded Chinnok (with MDs & snipers):

-unlimited missiles (fire power depends on numbers of MDs, they are individualy promoted)

-take out infantry faster (snipers inside)

-laser defence (good vs missiles)

-vs ground targets & aircraft)

-able to attack multiple target at a time..



anyway, its need to micromanage...

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Combat Chinooks should really only be employed as a support weapon or a supply route defence. Their armour is too unstable to be a direct attack weapon, except against a missile heavy GLA team.

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and seeing as how quads can be bought for a dime and a nickel, keep a few "real" vehicles around :wink:


although both hte Helix and combat chinook are really good for flying in, shooting the placve up while dropping of vehicles and troops, then hanging around for the party

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Combat Chinooks themselves don't 'promote' to elite forces and therefore cannot recieve auto-repair status. It is important to watch the health bar of the chinook carefully and withdraw them from battle at the right moment. It can deal a great deal of damage in the meanwhile though.


I used them in pairs against some brutal enemies (China and GLA) to test them vs. the Commanches.


Stealth Commanches can attack when the Quads and Gattling Tanks have passed (use the rocket pods to destroy them) and they repair themselves.


The best way to use the Chinook is to let him do a fly-by shooting, since the MD's inside can fire while the chinook is moving.


My conclusion is that a Chinook needs constant care (micromanagement) and if a Commanche had laser point defense it would become extremely dangerous.

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just dont let your commanche pass-by AAs..there should be a problems. even i wont let my commanches pass quads/avenger...

the bullets look 'sharp'.

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Stealthed Comanches cant be seen :roll:


Fly By shootings, not a bad idea


but they cant auto repair, eh well I suppose they had to ballance it somehow. They should be able to get ranked though.


In the meantime, a stealthed comanche with point defense lasers :shock:


Death to all our enemies. Sheesh. Cept for one thing.


China uses Gat cannons, and GLA has quads :P

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In the meantime, a stealthed comanche with point defense lasers :shock:


really?? i never see any laser coming out from that chopper...

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:roll: He means:


If a Stealth Commanche had a point-defence laser, it would kick so much ass.

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