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Guest ramirez115


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Guest ramirez115

hey i need help i wanna make my units armor stronger on zero hour but i have no clue how to use the armor section.. also in the unit speeds it wont change the speed of the unti why is that?

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If yoou won't to make units stronger by changing their armor you will only make then have less damage from an attack.

For example: If you want tanks to take less damage from other tank attacks (ARMOR_PIERCING) lower the percentage (%) of the that attack.

if you want to let infantry take less damage from... let's say irocket attacks then lower the percentage of the armor that the infantry is using for the attack from the roket ifantry (INFANTRY_MISSILE)

If you want to increase the speed of units all you have to is go to the locomotor of that unit and increase the number in the speed bar. (don't forget to increase the speed of the unit when it is damaged as well or the difference may be a bit big :roll:

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