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Nothing, for the first time since I can remember. School can be a pain in some areas. =/

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Dragon Age DLC - Witch Hun

Mass Effect 2 DLC - Liar of hte Shadow Broker <<< Best DLC ever, and probably best mission of hte entire game... ^_^ ^_^ ^_ ^

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Now playing: Fallout 3 GOTY - Haven't played the DLCs, but with all these uber mods installed it feels like a totally new experience. ^_^

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Now playing: Fallout 3 GOTY - Haven't played the DLCs, but with all these uber mods installed it feels like a totally new experience. ^_^

Oooh, good idea. Can you name a few good ones :P

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Nice choice, what are you playing it on? PC, Xbox 360 or PS3?


If you plan to get the DLC stuff avoid the Mad Moxxi one, its rubbish. Get Zombie Island and General Knoxx. They add heaps of content to the game.


As for me, I'm currently going through Halo Reach again. Played through on co-op the first time.

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Oooh, good idea. Can you name a few good ones :P


FOOK 2.1 - Its huge, adds hundreds of new weapons and armour, and improves texture qualities and stuff. :)

Weapon Mod Kits

Project Beauty

Dragonskin Tactical Outfits

Realistic View

Pitboy PDA

Sydney Follower - Because come on, she's awesome. ^_^


Plus a bunch of others.


http://www.fallout3nexus.com < Is hte place for all things Fallout 3. :)

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I preordered Fallout New Vegas though... I hope that game rocks tits...

Thanks for reminding me to do that. I only paid €40 for it, which is cheap for European (or at least Dutch) standards :P


FOOK 2.1 - Its huge, adds hundreds of new weapons and armour, and improves texture qualities and stuff. :)

Weapon Mod Kits

Project Beauty

Dragonskin Tactical Outfits

Realistic View

Pitboy PDA

Sydney Follower - Because come on, she's awesome. ^_^


Plus a bunch of others.


http://www.fallout3nexus.com < Is hte place for all things Fallout 3. :)

Thanks ^_^

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Nice choice, what are you playing it on? PC, Xbox 360 or PS3?


If you plan to get the DLC stuff avoid the Mad Moxxi one, its rubbish. Get Zombie Island and General Knoxx. They add heaps of content to the game.

PC, of course. I think I'm gonna get the GOTY Edition of Borderlands with my brother. All the DLCs and the game for $40. Good deal I must say.

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After hiding outside in plain sight (ie. real life) - this week I had a chance to play the forgotten mod for C&C3 and download the latest patch of RenX during our Public Holiday just past. I enjoyed the RenX game because there were actually some players with me (6-8) so I had a good chance to see the game dynamics in action. A rarity in my timezone. I have to admit my highlight of the hour was popping off Fobby while he was typing his victory message after laying some bombs in our war factory. "Explode then gloat!" I always say. :)


I see there is a thread on the forgotten game, but I will avoid everyone else's opinions until after I finish the SP campaign... maybe write up my experiences as suggested.


Anyway it's good to be back online catching up...

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Playing a little Civilization V, and finishing off Fallout 3 just in time for New Vegas, even if they have nothing to do with one another, closure is good.

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Medal of Honor as well. That and NHL 11. Both on Xbox 360.

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Fallout 3, Reborn. Sadly don't have a lot of spare time though.

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I just got Fallout: New Vegas in ^_^

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I will be enjoying that this weekend. My friend in teh Navy said everything about it was awesome except for the small map. Should be an awesome game then.

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Guest Stevie_K

Playing some Medal of Honor.

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I'm playing me some Fallout New Vegas. But damn it feels like **** without all my fancy mods...


Thankfully they are slowly but surely being converted over. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/ ^_^

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Recommend me some good ones to improve New Vegas. It's not bad, but I need to get used to it still.


Playing New Vegas and Bad Company 2.

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I'll grab that one definitely. The GUI is pathetic in New Vegas.


Finished up Bad Company 2 today. And goddamn... it was more satisfying than Medal of Honor.

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