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I need some volunteers...

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OK, I've been a bit busy, doing some minor mods for YR, and I've decided, I wanna make a bigger one, that changes a load of stuff, and add some new units, stuff like that.


The thing is, my coding knowledge is small, to say the least, and I'm looking for volunteers to help me.


I'm learning the coding very quickly however, and for the coding I only really need some veterans to debug the code, and add stuff if I get stuck.


But, what I really need is Graphics...I'm planning a lot of new units and structures, and there's only so much I can do with the exsisting models on YR.


So, if anyone wants in, post here, and, if I get enough interest, I'll create a forum (probably using ProBoards) that we can discuss the ideas on.


Oh, and the more the merrier. :D


- Scott

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Depends on what you intend on doing. Get DeeZire's INI editing guide for help with coding. The biggest thing would actually be graphics. You should have something exclusive to your mod.


It also helps to visit the best editing networks like DeeZire and the C&C Guild.

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Yeah, I've been looking around DeeZire lately. It's damn good.


But I've encountered a problem...When I try to do a skirmish with my mod, it refuses to go onto the Setup page....yet it works when the mod isn't in the RA2 directory...strange...has anyone else had this problem?

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I also know a good mod for YR, maybe you can get some idead there



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Scott, add me to a messenger, preferably MSN and I'll help you out. I've already got a published mod and 2 more on the way.


And Thierry, Eagle Red sucks. I hate to break it to you, but it's a noob mod. Though the Asian Alliance will be interesting, it's still a noobie mod. Too many units, too many useless units and too many overpowered units. Play DeeZire and MooMan's Rules.... better mods by far.

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Yeah, I know its over the edge but do you know what the fun thing is?

There is some stuff that I want to do but I don't completely know how.

Some of that stuff shows op in eagle red.

And if you leave the mod active after playing it you can change and edit the units with tibed(!) or in my case take a look on how they did some stuff. (for example the parabomb)

Further on the mod isn't al that fun, you are right about that.

Do you know any good mods then?

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Alrighty then. I'll add you on when I get home, seems I'm in school right now.


As for Eagle Red, I reckon it's OK, but there's too many units...and the SCUD bombers really take it's toll on my comp. All those gas clouds...


Now, good mods...I enjoy Devastation....it's more of a balancing mod more than anything, with a few new units.

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Scott: I added you already. Devastation is pretty noobie too but it's a lot of fun!


Thierry: Play YR Advanced (my mod), DeeZire, MooMan's Rules, CannisRules and SeaMan's Rules. All very good mods, even though I severly dislike Cannis and SeaMan, but that's not something you really to concern yourself with. Just enjoy the mods.

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As long as a mod has something to offer it is worth playing. You can't convince everyone on what mod is the best. Some prefer realism and others fantasy. I've tried a lot of mods. For me Eagle Red was a very mod. We couldn't please everybody on how powerful a unit was or fast it moved. So the ini.rules were included so you can alter anything about the mod you wanted. But a mod worth mentioning. AR2... now that is a awesome mod.

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Guest Dan

My fave mod so far is sudden strike, purely because of what it does to yuri's side, i see alot of mods that give loads and loads of units to the allies and soviets and then next to nothing to yuri. The best example of this is Eagle Red, the units given to yuri in this mod are really dissapointing. (no disrespect to the guys who made it tho!) the gattling artillery doesnt look like a yuri unit and the hover crafts dont really have anythin unique about them. Fenring's right tho, the asian alliance looks to be an interesting mod...............when it finally comes out! lol

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yea sure ll work on your project. im more into realistic mods like adding more realistic units and weapons in the game but ill pretty much do anything so give me a email.

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Yeah, sure. I was sure nobody else was gonna reply to this...


I'll think about setting up a board later, and posting the link here. Whoo...

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