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Guest Spydr331

What have you done with TibEd?

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Guest Spydr331

what cool things have you people done with yuris revenge and red alert 2 using this TibEd tool? groundbreaking discovery? interesting new abilities? caused complete insanity across the game but the game still works?


please post your insane creations here... or else! <shakes fist>


hey look at the bright side, at least its not a "do you like Yuris Revenge" poll...

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you must be some sort of crazy programer type person then!


so far the only thing i have made are conscripts that instead of having guns have "prismshot" as their weapon... so they have the strength of a prism tower, but walk and shoot faster.


quick question! is there a way to make a unit with the powes of a super weapon? like make a car tha will crash into a base and explode like a nuke? or like how the desolator shoots the ground, instead he will make a weather storm... crazy stuff like this..

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Yes you can do all that. I can it with the files themselves too. :D


And no I'm not a crazy programmer, I just took a little time to learn the files.


And for the Conscripts, I can do that in less than 2 minutes with the files. :D

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i made some uber fast and powerful flying disks :D nothing cud stop them :E but to be fair i gave them 50hp ;p still, nothing could stop them :)

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There are so many things that I've done and seen to list here.

One of them is to make your sniper mutate the brutes. Then when those brutes kill any infantry they mutate into a brute as well.

Other things like messing with the "logic" of a weapon, making the screen shake (more), watching meteors fall from the skies, hidden sounds and units that work, and other "crazy" things are cool to mess with. But something that is unique and can add to the gameplay is even better.

Game balance is always an issue for me. It makes finished project/mod worthwhile.

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Guest Dan

the fave thing ive dun with TibEd so far ive only just dun, ive made the brutes more expensive, but for a reason, they can now turn infantry into more brutes when they kill them! kinda of an Agent Smith-esque vibe going on, well he is my idol afterall! lol its not as unbalanced as i thought it'd be as if im playing a brutal enemy (which is usually the case), my changes to the AI mean that the brutes get shredded b4 they even get close!

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What have I done that TibEd can't....


1) Created a new superweapon.

2) Added an entirely NEW side.

3) Improved the AI.


The list goes on..... TibEd isn't the greatest tool for modding.

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One of them is to make your sniper mutate the brutes. Then when those brutes kill any infantry they mutate into a brute as well.

how do you do that?

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Guest Spydr331

Fenring... when you say entirely new side... do you mean that you made a new side like a new country, or a new group other than soviet allied and yuri?

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He means new side of the war as in "allied, soviet, yuri, fourth side" you can't make a new country... i tried... it didn't even load and it crashed... Koen needs to make TibEd1 better...

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is it possible so that it turns into a doggy or someother unit other than brutes?

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Yes but you'd need to edit the animation and the Genetic Mutator would be worthless to you.


You can also change AnimToInfantry to the infantry type you want and it'll do that. You can have multiple infantries listed, but it won't go to your side if it's not the first one.

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It's actually one line. It's a lot easier than you think.


Find AnimToInfantry=BRUTE and change to AnimToInfantry=ADOG/DOG. Not hard.

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I believe it's under [AudioVisual] or [General]. Been a while since I used it.


Use the files and WordPad. It's soooooo much better.

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It's under [General]


Points to sig. I've done a lot as far as gattlin goes. I've done too many things to list all of them, but one of the funnest is my "Jabber Tank". My favorite incarnation is the original. Very fun tank... I've also made a water bound patriot missile.

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Guest Spydr331

i would like to thank everyone for their input so far... but id like to learn how to make all these guys that you are thinking up.... i mean... you got good names for these units but i dont understand what you are talking about much of the time! try explaining your units more and telling how to use them


my new units: personalized lunar infantry for each side... they all have lunarlaser as their secondary weapon but:

allied have primary lunar laser and elite primary mayabprism

soviet have primary electricboltE and elite primary eifflebolt <sick power in the eiffle bolt>

yuri have just mind control as primary


the only other thing that has to be done to make lunar infantry work is to change the tech value to 10 and choose what sides you want what on

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