Guest Dan Posted January 22, 2004 Hi, im currently giving the soviets a bomber, i used the tutorial i found on page 3 of this website to make the weapon and copied the entries exactly. when i try to build the plane with this weapon the game crashes, but if i dont give it the weapon, it works fine. does anyone know whats wrong? is there another bomber tutorial i should use? :? Share this post Link to post
Wildshield 0 Posted January 23, 2004 Its just me but it sounds like something about the weapon is incomplete... causing the crash. Check out the weapon, projectile and warhead's stats. If you can post those rules. Is this the right thread... Share this post Link to post
Guest Dan Posted January 23, 2004 nope this is the link i used: i copied the rules entries in that link exactly, i.e copy and paste. Share this post Link to post
Wildshield 0 Posted January 24, 2004 Odd. Maybe the warhead needs to be adding in the WH list. [Warhead] 106=BombWH I really don't know why this would cause a crash. Share this post Link to post
Guest Dan Posted January 24, 2004 tried that, still doesnt work :? lol this doesnt make sense, dya think u could try out your own rules coding for a bomber then post that on here? i would be most grateful. cheers Share this post Link to post
Wildshield 0 Posted January 25, 2004 I changed the harrier's Primary=Bomb and then used what was posted and everything worked. I'm scratching my head on why it will not work for you. The weapon is basicly like the hornets weapon. Except for the art and speed. I compared both of the weapons and it should be working. Share this post Link to post
Guest Dan Posted January 25, 2004 hmmmm well i'll try tinkering around with a few things to see wot works, thanx anyway 8) Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted January 25, 2004 Make sure Primary=YourWeapon MATCHES EXACTLY the weapon header. That's most likely the problem. Share this post Link to post
Guest Dan Posted January 26, 2004 lol nope i made sure i didnt make a stupid mistake like that, still no idea why it doesnt work.... Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted January 26, 2004 Post the code then. I can probably find the problem. Share this post Link to post
Guest Dan Posted January 26, 2004 ok heres the code, hope ya can figure the problem out... [bomb] Damage=50 ROF=20 Range=5 CellRangefinding=yes Projectile=BombP Speed=20 Warhead=BombWH Report=KirovAttack [bombP] Image=ZBOMB Arm=10 ;Shadow=no Proximity=no Ranged=yes AA=no AG=yes SubjectToCliffs=no SubjectToElevation=no SubjectToWalls=no [bombWH] CellSpread=3 PercentAtMax=.5 Wall=yes Wood=yes Verses=300%,250%,200%,250%,200%,250%,100%,180%,25%,300%,300% Conventional=yes MinDebris=10 MaxDebris=5 Rocker=yes InfDeath=2 AnimList=VTEXPLOD Tiberium=yes Bright=yes ProneDamage=70% PenetratesBunker=yes WallAbsoluteDestroyer=yes Share this post Link to post
Wildshield 0 Posted January 27, 2004 Can I see the stats for your plane. It might help Share this post Link to post
Guest Dan Posted January 27, 2004 ok here it is: [bADGER] UIName=Name:BADGER Name=Badger Bomber Image=PDPLANE Prerequisite=AIRPAD,NATECH CanPassiveAquire=no ; Won't try to pick up own targets CanRetaliate=no; Won't fire back when hit Strength=190 Category=AirPower Armor=light TechLevel=-1 Sight=8 RadarInvisible=no Landable=yes MoveToShroud=yes ;Dock=GAAIRC,GAHPAD,NAHPAD Dock=AIRPAD PipScale=Ammo Speed=11 ;PitchSpeed=0.9 ;PitchAngle=0 AirportBound=yes PitchSpeed=1.1 PitchAngle=0 OmniFire=yes Owner=Africans,Arabs,Confederation,Russians Cost=1750 Points=20 ROT=3 Ammo=1 Crewed=yes ConsideredAircraft=yes AirportBound=yes ; If I ever need to land and there are no airports I crash because I can only land on them GuardRange=30 Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 Maxdebris=3 IsSelectableCombatant=yes VoiceSelect=GenSovVehicleSelect VoiceMove=GenSovVehicleMove VoiceAttack=GenSovVehicleAttackCommand DieSound= MoveSound=SpyPlaneMoveLoop CrashingSound=SpyPlaneDie ImpactLandSound=GenAircraftCrash Locomotor={4A582746-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} MovementZone=Fly ThreatPosed=20 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,SIGHT,FASTER EliteAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF Fighter=yes AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no ImmuneToPsionics=yes PreventAttackMove=yes maybe i'll get my dream of having a bomber soon! lol Share this post Link to post
Guest Dan Posted January 27, 2004 whoops forgot this bit at the bottom: Primary=BOMB the tech level is -1 cos im not putting it in the game til it works, as it keeps crashin yr! Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted January 27, 2004 Three things: CellRangefinding goes on the warhead. OmniFire goes on the weapon. Removed Crewed=yes on the Badger. Share this post Link to post
Guest Dan Posted January 27, 2004 your not gonna believe this, despite changing the things you said the damn thing still doesnt work!!! :x lol Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted January 27, 2004 Hm, odd. Does it give an Internal Error or just not work? Share this post Link to post
Guest Dan Posted January 28, 2004 it gives an internal error, the first time i tried this i gave the weapon to the black eagle, but instead of using the weapon the black eagle shot a tesla bolt instead! lol i dunno how that happened either! :? Share this post Link to post
Wildshield 0 Posted January 28, 2004 whoops forgot this bit at the bottom: Primary=BOMB the tech level is -1 cos im not putting it in the game til it works, as it keeps crashin yr! See it... Change the tag to "Primary=Bomb". The weapon must be typed like it's ini entry to be read. So no caps for the last three letters. This goes for all weapons. Share this post Link to post
Guest Dan Posted January 28, 2004 lol it still doesnt work, i think im gonna give up and give the soviets sumthin else like a MIG or sumthin, although ive already given the allies the MIG (in allied scheme colours ofcourse). Ive got some new ideas that i could use some help with, im trying to make 3 new unique units to the game which could really help make my mod unique, ive got everything ready on all 3 but theres just a few problems, hope u guys can help: 1) Allied Propaganda Truck Remember the truck from the soviet mission where u hav to defned the battle lab? the one that would drive around persuading civilians to join the the allied cause? Well ive made a multiplayer version, its effectively mind control, but it only works on infantry, my problem lies with the sound, ive copied the propaganda truck's ambient noises but they dont seem to play. i really want these in here as i feel it gives the unit a uniqueness. This would be really good if it worked as ive made every civilian useful in some way, some can be used as engineers,soldiers,spies and medics. 2) Car Jackers As with the civilians Ive made every single civilian vehicle in yr have a purpose, some can be used as transports, others can be used as car bombs. Ive got the vehicle hijacker ready but he doesnt get in the vehicles when selected, he just stands next to them, ive selected VehicleThief=Yes in TibEd yet it doesnt work, now i know this is possible becos ive seen it in mods so any ideas what im doing wrong? 3) Secret Service Ive activated the secret service agent for the allies, the idea is that when he kills infantry, he disguises himself as them so that the enemy cannot tell who is killing their forces! ive made a warhead by copying the snapshot warhead, but edited it so that it kills infantry instead, however it doesnt kill infantry when used! once again what am i doing wrong? or is this not possible in the game? Thanks for all your help, Dan Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted January 28, 2004 Bomber) Change Primary=BOMB to Primary=Bomb. 1) The Propaganda Truck's souns were removed in Yuri's Revenge. You will have to extract them from Red Alert 2. 2) You need Thief=yes and VehicleThief=yes. Disguise=yes and PermaDisguise=yes are even better. 3) Cannot be done. You can't have them disguise AND shoot infantry. It doesn't work that way. Share this post Link to post
alleylee 0 Posted January 28, 2004 Actually... you can make secret agents, you just need double pistol as secondary and make up for primary.. with 1 big problem, your guy needs to be within double pistol's range to kill and you automatically change picture, and it is a bit screwy... i am not 100 percent sure because i was testing something for fun and never experimented with it... you might want to make make up kit like 50-15 range, as primary and make double pistol 14-0 range. THat way you got like 2 weapon ranges so they don't overload each other. Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted January 29, 2004 Good thoughts, but it doesn't work. Already been tested and confirmed as impossible. Share this post Link to post
Wildshield 0 Posted January 29, 2004 1. AmbientSound=PropagandaTruck ; This worked for me. 2. If you try those tags Fenring mentioned and the unit still stands there try this... Add the VirtualScanner weapon as a primary or secondary. Sometimes for units that have a extremely close weapon have a hard time targeting it. This might help. 3. You could create a WH that targets the flak and plate armor. Then another WH to target the none armor. The good thing is the unit could kill normal infantry units and target the flak and plate armored units with the snapshot effect. Bad news is it cant kill units with the better armor. (Ex. Tesla Troopers and Tanya) Edit/Added: Using what was posted everything worked fine. After about an hour of messing with the rules I've only come up with one more thought. Now I just have one question... Did you place BombP in the projectile section? If the weapon has no graphics to follow this will cause the crash. Other than that I'm sorry but I have no clue why it will not work for you. Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted January 29, 2004 yep the BombP was in the projectile section so i dnt get it :? im gonna try and make my other units now, got a bit frustrated with the bomber! lol Share this post Link to post