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C&C3 Alternate Soundtrack Project

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I found this over in the Petroglyph Forums, someone is working a new replacement soundtrack for C&C 3. He has some samples of what he done so far, listen to the remix of Stomp.... very cool!!




I have been working recently on a replacement for the Tiberium Wars soundtrack which I found disappointing, and even more subtle than Bill Brown's score for Generals. It's about 50% remixes and 50% original material right now, and I want to keep it at roughly the same percentage for the finished soundtrack. I'm just hoping side-specific music is allowed and that the dynamic music feature can be disabled once the mod SDK is released.


I'm taking some liberties with Nod (and later Scrin), while keeping the trademark Klepacki style for GDI.



http://www.zshare.net/audio/stomp2-mp3.html - Remix of Stomp. Not too different from the original right now, the idea is to keep it entirely slow instead of the fast D&B influences present in the original. The intro tremolo strings are ugly, though they're just placeholders for now.


http://www.zshare.net/audio/funky-mp3-358.html - All new, Red Alert 2-inspired funk. I think I really nailed the Yuri's Revenge atmosphere here.



http://www.zshare.net/audio/nod-strike2-mp3-pb7.html - The most complete of the 4, all that's left to do is to add an additional melody to the breakdown section. It's fast, dark and aggressive which I think suits Nod's philosophies perfectly.


http://www.zshare.net/audio/warfare-mp3-p2g.html - Start of a Warfare remix. Not much else to say here.


It would be interesting to hear what Frank himself has to say about my attempts.

If this mod project ever gets released I would probably download it and use it, as I've stated before the music we have for C&C 3 is just not good enough, doesn't really fit at all.

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Wow, EA should snap this guy up. I mean, WOW! If this guy doesn't get hired in the audio business, just... Wow.


Awesome!! I look forward to what Frank has to say bout his work. :)

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Music would be nice, instead of the atmospheric music we have in C&C3, which is semi alright, but yet some decent stuff from time to time would be nice. :nod:

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