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Small request

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I don't know what the board's policy is on this kind of thing, so I'll try to say this as best I can...


I've been playing Command & Conquer for what seems like forever, but I've never really played a lot of RTS games online. Since I've picked up a knack for Command & Conquer 3, I was wondering if anyone could refer me to any groups of people (or clans) that I could be a part of, play together with, and hopefully get better. Any help you give would be greatly appreciated. I've tried looking myself, but I honestly don't know where to look for RTS clans. I'd really like to learn the ropes of online RTS gaming because I tried playing a match earlier and it's a lot different than what I'm used to. I've normally stuck to LAN matches and just playing against the computer.


If the policy on the boards is no recruiting or posting anything that would be considered recruiting, then I don't want to violate that. If that's the case, then please simply Private Message me rather than replying to this thread.

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lol... I don't think anyone on this site is involved in any big C&C3 clans. I may be mistaken, but yeah.


I suppose you could go over to GR and get a mentor or join a clan or something along those lines. They're more into the multiplayer aspect of C&C3, and there are a hell of a lot of good players over there. :nod:


Add me to Xfire if you want a game sometime also. Xfire: Luk3us

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Just play around online, you'll run into clan members and ask them. If you want to get more into the MP scene, www.gamereplays.org


xfire: highbuzz

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xfire: gben


It sounds like the suggestions above are the best. There is no better teacher than experience. The trick is finding someone who is willing to do so, and not just pwn you!!! I guess you can ask at their forums, or find one at random by playing the games online.


I started a guild or loose association of players with the same passion for cnc partly for this purpose. Ideal for the off friendly game or tourny!.


You're welcome to join... although I can't promise you fame & fortune. (We just ran out!) Although we do still have a famous, low, low membership fees, our great dental plan, and generous discounts on your very own spot in our retirement homes, and the best blueberry pie this side of twin peaks.




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All suggestions above are great, my hats off to the teachers at GameReplays.org, they do take pride in teaching people how to play RTS.


I'd also advise talking to Hypnotist on here, he may make great Lego series, but i'm sure he can also mentor you if you ask him nicely :o)



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lol.. If only Hypno was allowed on the internet for more than 10 minutes a day. :P:haha:

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