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i am getting pretty **** sick of

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Sonic emitters !!!!!!!!


i am realyy getting sick of those things i mean there just 200 more then obelisks and yet there 2x stronger.


you can use Ctrl fire to give them more range and then they then even go as far as an upgraded obelisk. because the blast moves on for a while


they can kill 5 tanks in 1x and a oblisk 1

and the sonic emmiter is even good vs infantry + tanks



Can you PLEASE i beg u tell the makers to make sonic emitter less overpowerd. and at least end that CTRL Fire bug.


and now in the expansion they an gonna make MOBILE sonic emitters :( so gdi will be even more overpowerd



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1.07 ?


what do you mean?


The sonic gdi ufo's comes with the expansion right?


No worries matthy.

Nod* will be equipped with super cyborgs.

And since theire infantry they should easy take out the emitters!


*Nod and not NOD becouse i might hurt people, :crying:

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1.07 ?


what do you mean?


The sonic gdi ufo's comes with the expansion right?


No worries matthy.

NOD will be equipped with super cyborgs.

And since theire infantry they should easy take out the emitters!


well i have seen emitters destroy black hand and all other infantry so i hope there are gona fix it especialy that ctrl bug!

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they showed GDI too much as the good guys, they paid too much attention to them and overpowered them, making NOD weak unless you make a zillion units

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The CRTL isn't a bug its meant to be like that.


Also, SE's are being indirectly nerfed with 1.07. I find sticking Scrops or whatever, on aggressive mode and running past the SE's is a good way of killing them, as they can easily dodge the SE blast if not microed well. :nod:

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Aerial will be the one to screw SE's... Nod has excellent bombing capabilities... Also, a few Beam Cannons won't hurt, or even Avatars... The range those units have are well outside of the SE's killer blast.

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Aerial will be the one to screw SE's... Nod has excellent bombing capabilities... Also, a few Beam Cannons won't hurt, or even Avatars... The range those units have are well outside of the SE's killer blast.


you think that but thats the big problem thx too the ctl bug the sonic emitter goes furder then a beam cannon :( and make it sucky vs infantry too


Plz let they fix it or make it less range




P.S. havent seen 1.07....

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1.07 makes it more difficult to spam defences. But at least now you only have to deal with one pop up SE as opposed to two, which is really killer...

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Yeah, I forgot... Then just drop bombs on it...

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Aurrgh! It's Nod, not NOD! <_<




How about letting me decide!?

It doesn't matter at all. your'e not gonna cry becouse of it...



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I'm sorry, but its Nod, not NOD or N0D or nOD or nod, its Nod.








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Man! if you are relly going to cry that much, I can edit it to Nod.



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Aurrgh! It's Nod, not NOD! <_<




How about letting me decide!?

It doesn't matter at all. your'e not gonna cry becouse of it...






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Hey if you want to ignorant about the facts thats fine. :nod:

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Nod, NOD, nod, means same thing... doesnt matter how you put it

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By going all-caps, like NOD, you would be making it out that the name Nod is similar to GDI, wherein it is just an acronym. Like GDI, which means Global Defense Initiative... So if NOD and Nod are the same, what the hell does NOD stand for!? :roll:

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Indeed, its Nod, any other variation is wrong, and if you think otherwise then you are wrong. :nod:

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Nothing. Its just a word. Its not an acronym it doesn't mean anything. :nod:

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It is another biblical reference in C&C.


To quote Genesis 4:16


"Cain went out from Yahweh's presence, and lived in the Land of Nod, east of Eden."


We all know that Kane neither confirms nor denies that his is the biblical Cain, but we do know that 2 of his 3 aliases share a similarity to Cain, specifically Caine and Kane... The third is Quaymm...

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Hes indeed the biblical Cain, and the "Nod" reference is a translation error, since Nod is a hebrew term and means "to venture" or something along these lines.

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