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Great mod idea for C&C 3!!!!

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Hi guys! Ive came up with a cool idea for a C&C 3 mod. All i need is a few helping hands to make this happen. Of course, we'll have to w8 for the mod dsk (or wotever its called) to come out in patch 1.07, but im recruiting members now :)


Reply if ure interested plzzzz and ill tell u wot its about in my next post.



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It'd be a great idea to tell us what it's about in your first post...

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This mod will be set in the year 2147, appox 100 years after Tib. war 3. GDI no longer exists due to the tiberium misteriously vanishing from earth in 2061 and also NOD havent shown since so everything was running smoothly after this.


However, in 2140 something happened, something unexplainable. Chaos broke out in asia, then it spread to africa, until the only remaining continents were europe and the americas in 2143. To stop any more spread of chaos two earth defense organisations were set up: the U.N.C (united nations confederacy) set up in america and the E.U.I (european union inituitive) which was set up in europe.


For two years these organisations worked to stop the spread and were doing well until they gathered intel of two enemy factions who may be the cause of this chaos. They are known as the I.F.C (Imperial force...) the letter "'c" unknown. The other is the F.O.N (future order...) the letter "n" unknown.


There have been cases of heavy resistence in the last two years on all fronts. Our defensive organisations need to bring order back to earth and finish these enemies off quickly in order to prevent this catastrophe.

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Would be glad to help!. It also sounds exiting!

But I don't know how to use MOD SDK yet.

So I will need to learn how to use it first.

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Your mod sounds very much like the background Story of Earth 2140 :wink:

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Your mod sounds very much like the background Story of Earth 2140 :wink:


Earth 2140 KICKS A** ^^ ^^ :D:D:D

ive Played that sooo much and 2150 too but 2060 is lame :(

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oh cheers punwisp!!!!




Wot kind of thing would u like to do in this modding team?


Model designs, map making etc.


I have got everything set up guys! The mod has started now all i need to do is give ppl jobs (fun) then we can get started with editing this mod!!!!


:D :!:

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isnt mod sdk a program O.o i didnt see one, just a bunch of stuff i guess it uses, also i can kinda make maps but i cant figure out how to put on water

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if u want to make maps its fine coz we need maps :D


Also, if u want, we need a model designer (me and my bro).


Btw, sdk isnt a program, u need something called 'XML.dat' to use it.


dw i'll give u time to learn how to use it



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oh... um... well... if u want to back out now thats fine.


I'll tell u this thou it aint easy to use. Also, i have bad news! In this version of mod sdk u cant create civilian buildings, which i found out yesterday, so the campaign would be more boring



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That's why you get modelers and stuff... To create those buildings. The Mod SDK isn't a 3D modeling program, it's just to put your crap into the game and give it attributes I believe. (Don't quote me on that, but I know if you wanna make custom vehicles and building, 3D modeling)

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meh personally the idea makes no sense but i can make some maps. I'm still learning this map program but I used to be a pro at WC3 Maps and i know mildly how to make the units work w/ sdk (as in .xml editing)

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