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Testing TibEd 2 for C&C3: download in here

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I need a few people to have a look at what I've done so far and give feedback. TibEd 2 for C&C3 is not yet ready. A test version could be released as early as today, or as late as Christmas. Please post here if you are interested!


Note: the versions to be provided in this thread will be experimental, so expect a lot of bugs and/or missing features.



See this post for the first release!

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Hey Koen, nice to see your making a CC3 tool, just wondering though... will it be a syntax XML editor? and will it have .BIG creation support?

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Yes, TSHyper, that is what I am working on right now. The "user interface" part of TibEd will not be in there.


I might as well post a screenshot of what it looks like right now:tib2beta5_cnc3.png


The BIG creation ("BuildMod") part still needs to be done completely.

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wow, how many assets does c&c 3 provide? But I can say, that from the amount shown in the list, I think it's better to not have the usual user interface. I think this way with syntax helps to keep the full modification ability through the xml files outline, as well as keeping each asset part like unique.


I like this layout & I find it easier to see what it going on with the editing process because you can actually see what you are compiling. Keep it up koen :) I can't wait to use it!

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I have some questions (based on this screenshot):

- do you mind the "ns0:" in front of almost everything? Do you find it annoying?

- what do you think of the use of the screen 'real estate': how can this window layout be improved?

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I have some questions (based on this screenshot):

- do you mind the "ns0:" in front of almost everything? Do you find it annoying?

- what do you think of the use of the screen 'real estate': how can this window layout be improved?


-I would prefer if ns0 was gone, i get tired of looking at it becasue it throws off my reading, but thats just me.


-Not entirely sure onhow to improve that, id have to mess with it more.

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I have some questions (based on this screenshot):

- do you mind the "ns0:" in front of almost everything? Do you find it annoying?

- what do you think of the use of the screen 'real estate': how can this window layout be improved?


Hmm.. I tried reply but it came back later with error but I'll type again


I didn't really notice the ns0 really as it just looked like part of the xml code. I was merely distracted by the highlighted changeable/editable values.. But I'm not sure what others may think..


real estate.. not really my thing. But its adopts the similar layout as the other tibed which is good. I dont see anything wrong with the split windows.. hm, maybe with the list of assets. I know they are grouped/ordered through, but maybe later on after testing, maybe group them together a bit more. Like, I'm thinking that peeps might get like lost going through the asset list in search of specific asset & then looking back for another.. if that make sense.. or even perhaps highlight different the main sections..

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I can only reduce the "ns0:" to "x:", cannot do anything better at the moment. Also, the formatting of the XML is not preserved, it is reformatted. People might not like that.

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Nice... i like everything test based :D


About the formatting, for me, i would not be happy about that... is there no way of keeping it?

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Formatting preservation is not something I want to work on for the first version. If I'd want to keep it, I'd have to switch to a different XML parser (this would also fix the prefixes like ns0:).

Right now I am struggling with the AssetBuilder of the SDK.

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It is here! The first version:


There are some issues (no doubt)... but I have made some small mods with it 8)

Please give your feedback!


Install these first


Mod SDK: http://files.ea.com/downloads/eagames/cc/t.../CnC3ModSDK.exe

Mod SDK Prerequisites installer: http://www.cnc3files.com/file/20


If you want to help

The grouping of assets into categories like "Scrin Infantry", "Scrin Vehicles", etc. is very incomplete. You can complete this list further by looking at Full Asset ListGameObject, and add items to this file:


If you have a more complete file, send it to me by e-mail.

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Its looky good so far :) Mucha easier to edit what I want compared to the other way. The only bug I could see was during compile where it tried to look for the default art objects from the 'includes: all:' part of the xml it would stop compile.. I'll see if i can upload a screendump here if i can


A question i have though.. with the project explorer window.. how does this interact with the asset tree? I'm just a little confuzzled with this part is all :)


I haven't had time yet to looky at the asset grouping. But, just question; where would I find like the entire list thingy?

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Its looky good so far :) Mucha easier to edit what I want compared to the other way. The only bug I could see was during compile where it tried to look for the default art objects from the 'includes: all:' part of the xml it would stop compile.. I'll see if i can upload a screendump here if i can

You can copy/paste from the log window (it is text).


A question i have though.. with the project explorer window.. how does this interact with the asset tree? I'm just a little confuzzled with this part is all :)

You should not need the Project Explorer (for now). It allows you to interact with the actual files currently in your mod. The asset tree provides a 'virtual' view of what the game currently looks like. If you edit something, a file to put the changes in is automatically created (and added to mod.xml).

I haven't had time yet to looky at the asset grouping. But, just question; where would I find like the entire list thingy?

You can find it under "Full Asset List" (did I call it that?), and then under "GameObject" you will find a list of all vehicles/buildings/infantry (and special objects as well, but those are not of interest for the grouping).

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Actually.. forgot about the error. It worked just fine after I rebooted w00t!! guess it just needed to finish install with that or something :)


OMG!!! Its working! koen, you genius!


Can I scrap mod sdk now? :P I don't want to touch that thing no more after using this one


Ah, project explorer would be good then now I know what i to do with it :)


Okies, I found asset list. Yeah full asset list

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No, you should keep the Mod SDK installed (where is TibEd going to find its files otherwise?). But that a reboot might be required is good to know. I am considering including the same things that the Prerequisite installer installs to be included in the TibEd setup... it would increase download size to 10MB (from 6MB)... but it would save the user some trouble. What do you think?

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Yeah.. good point.


I'd say put them in as this makes sure that the user has the required stuffs to begin with. Well, I would anyway 'cause I know not all would be y'know have 'sound' knowledge of the sdk stuffs. Also, if they have all the required things it should reduce or even eliminate installation/functionality errors of your Tibed :)

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I'm also going to echo the others in saying it's good to see some work being done on this! I'd love to give it a try and let you know how it goes!

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I've just updated the file with a new version:

- added the proper fix for the mod_l problem in the Mod SDK

- added more items to AssetGrouping.xml (Scrin), but still far from complete

- added mod.str editing


Known issues:

- I've observed that the build log window can hang sometimes (cannot close it anymore), probably need to change Close to Hide.

- SHADERS, ART and AUDIO modding is untested

- When your mod is built, sometimes TibEd claims the building failed, even though it succeeded (just ignore the error then).

- AssetGrouping list is very incomplete.

- Editing Include XML files is not available (and would lead to strange results).

- Relative paths in <Include> tags are not yet converted to absolute paths when editing a file - only the file importer handles this properly.

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I received an email regarding testing of the new tibed2 version for C&C3. It would be an honor. I am very interested. Thanks for the email.

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I'll repeat the download information for the second page.


It is here! The second version:


There are some issues (no doubt)... but I have made some small mods with it 8)

Please give your feedback!


Install these first


Mod SDK: http://files.ea.com/downloads/eagames/cc/t.../CnC3ModSDK.exe

Mod SDK Prerequisites installer: http://www.cnc3files.com/file/20


If you want to help

The grouping of assets into categories like "Scrin Infantry", "Scrin Vehicles", etc. is very incomplete. You can complete this list further by looking at Full Asset ListGameObject, and add items to this file:


If you have a more complete file, send it to me by e-mail.

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