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World in Conflict: The next Red Alert?

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'World in Conflict' ---- can it be the next red alert? didnt play the beta but the trailers r amazing..........the gameplay videos/screenshots r awesome......it has the classic allies vs soviets theme......plus it features licensed music and alec baldwin as the narrator.......your thoughts? At this point, for me, its the most anticipated RTS title of the year.

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yeah i know, its obviously not going to be a c&c game, as for starters, there is no base building. And it has only real life , conventional weapons and at most, nukes.......but boy is that 1 HUGE nuke!!! It doesnt matter whether it has the sci fi touch of c&c or not, its just that watching the videos and reading the previews gave me that feel of Red Alert.

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It won't be another Red Alert, it'll be better than that. :)

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Sort of on the same topic, some how out the blue I got an e-mail a few weeks ago (probably close to a month ago now) inviting me to participate in the World in Conflict beta. This e-mail included 5 keys to pass on other people and links to download the beta.


The weird part it I never signed up for it.


Anyway, due to my total lack of interest in the game I ignored it.

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It cant be the next Red Alert, since apart from the premise it has nothing to do with RA, the gameplay is vastly different, even the place in time.


Its not bad though.

Nothing spectacular, really, but fun to play, with some nice effects, neat powers and lovely cutscenes. Also, the rampage is incredible.


Shame that the mission design isnt too varied and the units too few.

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It won't be another Red Alert, it'll be better than that. :)

New **** does not get better than Red Alert. It's classic.

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It won't be another Red Alert, it'll be better than that. :)

New s*** does not get better than Red Alert. It's classic.


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It may be classic, but that doesn't mean something else can't come along and do a better job, taking in to consideration the significant change in RTS games in the last 10 years. ;)

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It may be classic, but that doesn't mean something else can't come along and do a better job, taking in to consideration the significant change in RTS games in the last 10 years. ;)


RA didn't have the technology to do all that WiC can now. You can't compare really.


WiC doesn't seem good. Story does, gameplay doesn't to me.

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I found the Beta to be rather bland and unexciting. The gameplay has potential, but I think it needs a really strong single player campaign to succeed with the majority of RTS gamers.

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It may be classic, but that doesn't mean something else can't come along and do a better job, taking in to consideration the significant change in RTS games in the last 10 years. ;)

Actually, you can. If the gameplay and story don't compete, it's insta-fail. This is shaping up to be some epic fail of an RTS.

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Story ain't everything, ZH had an utterly pathetic story, but its gameplay was great. :nod:

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Story ain't everything, ZH had an utterly pathetic story, but its gameplay was great. :nod:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


ZH gameplay...good? Zomg!


Generals vanilla was atleast balanced, Zero Hour was the ****tiest mess EA has ever produced!

Buggy all around, major unbalances, hacks everywhere, lame-ass AI...


Zero Hour didn't just have a pathetic story, it WAS pathetic.

Its single purpose in life is to provide an engine for modding.

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pleeeeeeeease dont let this degrade into another zero hour vs generals thread.........


This game has alot of potential. But i dont know why it doesnt have any hype surrounding it when at this point, i think it deserves to be one of the most anticipated rts's of the year.

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pleeeeeeeease dont let this degrade into another zero hour vs generals thread.........


This game has alot of potential. But i dont know why it doesnt have any hype surrounding it when at this point, i think it deserves to be one of the most anticipated rts's of the year.


All the factions work basically the same. It's not that critical thinking involved. The only thing the catches my eye is the CGI tbh. It's not worth getting all excited about imo. I've played the demo and beta, nothing special.

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OK so its been released and gamespot gave it 9.5!


There has to be something extraordinary in it to get a score like that.

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WiC is different; no base building, looks like a command-level version of Battlefield. I might buy it; I wasn't too interested, but then I tried the demo, and it wasn't bad. From what I've seen, I'm not sure it's 9.5 material. Heck, the multiplayer's the main draw; there isn't even a Soviet campaign.


The camera's different, I'll give them that much.


Which reminds me, I'd better pick up Company of Heroes soon. I've heard it's quite good.

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OK so its been released and gamespot gave it 9.5!


There has to be something extraordinary in it to get a score like that.


First consider you said Gamespot...

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OK so its been released and gamespot gave it 9.5!


There has to be something extraordinary in it to get a score like that.

Gamespot is epic fail. Don't trust anything those **** wits say... ever.

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yeah your right, ive always assumed that when a game scores like that , there has to be SOMETHING about it that is revolutionary......however, the review in question dosnt give even ONE reason why the game scored so high.......suggesting that gamespot reviewers have reached new heights of decadence.










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The campaign is quite strong, but the AI is a little sketchy even on hard, so it's not really a huge challenge. But really World in Conflict is Ground Control 2 in a modern setting.


The thing that keeps this game going is the MUltiplayer though without a doubt. A huge fierce amount of fighting, and high octane action. There is usually always something going on, and you have to push push push to attack or defend. Teamwork is essential and can be quite fun. But you certainly need to use the VoIP feature to co-ordinate or it proves difficult to do very much as a team, since you don't really have time to type stuff out, or read what other people are typing.


It's a great Strategical romp which matches Company of heroes in terms of action and tactical combat, but it's not 9.5 material. From the week I've almost had it now, I'd go for the 8.5 - 9.0 score.


It's definitely the best Strategy game out this year thus far. But I believe Universe at War stands a good chance of taking game of the Year status for innovation and diversity. Because World in Conflict and every other strategy title this year has severely lacked such qualities. But time will tell.

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