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Bioshock - Classic Game or Over Hyped?

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It's sort of funny how some people here lose their heads over the other's opinion.


Personally I think Bioshock is an okay game... maybe better then okay (just playing through FEAR because a friend recommended it, Bioshock is 'more') but it's nowhere near what all the hype is making out of it. It's not the game of the year IMO, mainly because:


- Combat is mediocre at best. Sure you have an interesting weapon system (implants, multiple ammo types) but when you go to the core of it, it's almost broken...

- Little variety, just another 'kill person, flip switch, watch cut-scene, kill more persons' shooter

- Interesting setting, but not really delivering in the storytelling aspect. There are clues, which is fun in itself, but the story is very detached from what you're doing... like most every shooter it's another reason to kill stuff. Whoop-dee-doo...


In short, that's what makes Bioshock an OK, but definitely not a great game. Maybe Yoko is indeed right about mediocrity outselling great games... I mean... the gaming industry has become more like the Hollywood movie industry and look what good that does us.


But the similarities don't end at money before innovation, every once in a while, you find a movie/game that's like a gem between shiny rocks, something that's so innovative/fresh/cool that it stands out and makes you go "yeah that's it!" but the truth is that most games can't offer that kind of "brilliance" because it's so rare (which explains why it's so cool, if it where everyday it might become as normal as your mediocrity) so the real question here would be... are games becoming more mediocre indeed? Or are we so used to this level of accomplishment that only the excellent stand out?


Just a point to consider I suppose... it's all a matter of perspective anyway :)

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Bioshock will be long forgotten about once the likes of Halo 3 and then Crysis arrive anyway.

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And here's the part where I take Fenring form....


Halo 3 is overhyped. None of the Halos have added anything new or awesome to the shooter genre, I don't see the big reason why it's that great. It's fun, but so is SSBM and Mario Kart. It doesn't have anything exciting that goes out and gets me. And Hollywood taking over? Aliens and Earth... *checks sci-fi page*


Of course it's just me, and I'll get it sooner or later along with an Xbox 360 as most of my friends are having fun without me cause I'm that "lol pc gamer" guy.

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Bioshock was pretty good, but i would still rank it below many other games including halo

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Halo 3 is overhyped.

Of course it is. But I'm not buying into the hype. It will be a great game but in the end I just want to "Finish the Fight" ;)

Some closure to the story.

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Actually I think that summed it up nicely...


And damn that guy can talk quick. :P

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Yeah his reviews are usually quite spot on. He's quite funny and accurate in the process with these things... and releases a new one every Wednesday now.... He's only been hired for a month and is already causing a storm.


check out his other vids, especially the console Rundown. That's actually quite accurate too: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...eropunctuation/

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The gameplay of Bioshock may be shallow, yes. But the design, the atmosphere, the music, the setting, the plasmids, voice acting et al redeem it.


I was blown away by the demo, altough it has to be noted that its fairly limited, which isnt a good thing.

Its also true that it has dumbed down a bit because of console gamers, and is quite overhyped, but that doesnt make it suck.


There are many games that are overrated and offer nothing new on the table as well, and are even more bland, repetitive and run-of-the-mill as this.


For example, what is so great about Crysis? What is so new?

Far Cry 2 looks much more imaginative.


Fear? C.H.E.E.S.Y. more like. Condemned was far scarier and intense.


HL2? Great design, but wheres the story, where the excitement?

First HL was better. And if were on SF, AVP2 was better.


And i could continue.


Just because Bioshock is hyped and mediocre in your eyes doesnt mean that i cant see something artful and valuable in it.


Saracen: Bad utilization? Why? Its smooth, and has awsome specs (in a good way).


"You're like every other dumb consumer out there. You don't need quality, just flashy bull****"


Design isnt the only thing why he likes BS. And please dont generalise. I know im not in for bling-bling and reckon the game to be cool.


And no. A point doesnt fail because of an example you dont agree with.

You say the same thing: Flash isnt enough. I agree.

Its funny btw that you take a quote out of context, create a thread about it. Even moreso when i was on your side.

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I agree with hagren on HL2. HL1 was way better, I got sick of the long journeys on the airboat and the jeep.

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that review was amazing :lol:

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oh you just did the "let's bring some boring old topics back" trick :nod:


Well Bioshock isn't epic. It's just 80% game, prolly rated of it's atmospheric graphics :roll:


Tiberian Sun is most epic when we talk atmospheres!

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Don't bring back old threads.

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