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C&C3 Novel 2...

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Meh, I didn't buy the first one, I ain't buying the second....

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Indeed, especially when the author doesn't even bother to pay any attention to what happened in the game...

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BOORING!! I understand if a game is made about a book, but a book about a game?! A movie about Tiberian Sun would propably be the only one I could actually be interested in.

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I actually cant wait for the novelty. I just love to read, understand, and explore any scifi world. Help me think about the future of man.

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Games are constantly made into movies, so I think a movie will be great!


I didn't read the first novel because Singapore doesn't sell it...is it that bad?


Edit: Only selected bookstores sell it...

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Yay! Im gonna buy the first one in some days. :D

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The first novel,


I just went to bigger bookstores in the city, and I read a few lines here and there, it's really bad...


I don't think anyone wants to buy...

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Yay! The first one pwned i can't whit!

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Yay! The first one pwned i can't whit!


Wow you must not be picky about your reading material. The book sucked, period, end, over, done.

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Hm... It doesn't look too good from my point of view... Better to read the Silmarillion than this, in my opinion.

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I say it's good, u get 2 know more of the live of the normal people in the tip world.

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Meh, I'm still waiting for the 1.01 patch for the book first to fix the historical and general informative errors riddled in the book. ;)

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Yeah, the two of them...


1 is too many, and there are more than 2....

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We’ve watched debates about the Tiberium fiction go on for a while now. Members of the C&C community have pointed out a number of inconsistencies in the different storylines for C&C games over time (and the recently released C&C novel). While most of the canon for the C&C Tiberium universe is not in dispute, there are a few key areas where there is confusion about what actually happened and when it happened.


I think 2 inconsistencies would of called for them to mention the novel in the group of inconsistencies.


Oh and if you want specifics, here you go: http://www.amazon.com/Command-Conquer-tm-T...7850&sr=1-1


Read the reviews, mate.

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Teh_Overcow, if you want to read a novel that's made from a game, get the Halo novels. The major difference is that these books give the BACKSTORY, not just repeat what's happened in the games from a different character's perspective, like the C&C3 novels. For starters, get the Halo: The Flood novel. It's not really the best novel out there, but it's pretty nice and smashes the hell out of the C&C3 novel.

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Gneh, Halo sucks... I mean look at him/her! :roll:

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