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About Lorzo91

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  1. In the end I've incredibly just found a workaround for this! Using this: https://communities.vmware.com/docs/DOC-16772 Basically it makes VMware run at a lower resolution (the one you desire to play C&C), then you set your graphic card to stretch to full screen, and the work is done!
  2. Hmm okay, yes I suspected that VMware was the issue, I'll try on my host OS. Thanks.
  3. Not sure what you mean by that, I'm using VMware Workstation as a VM software, and when in full screen WinXP runs at my monitor resolution (1900x1200), so it's not stretched. Is there any other option I should check in VMware?
  4. Hi everybody! I'm very glad to join this community and to see that still in 2018 there's people playing these pearls! So, as the title says, I was wondering if there's any way to make TIberian Sun and Firestorm run stretched to fit screen resolution - that is without black bars surrounding the game. I can run the game at my monitor resolution (1900x1200) but actually units appear too small, i'd prefer bigger troops at the cost of a smaller field of view of the map. I'm running the game on TFD with the last unoffcial patch (1.03 rev 3 I think), on WinXP running on a virtual machine (yes, I know..). I could run C&C Gold and RA at 800x600 stretched to 1900x1200 without any problems, playing a bit with the .ini files. Thanks in advance!