When my game crashes, I get no such error msg or code as you state here...only an error msg at startup, named e6327 cad.
Any chance of some info on where to find these error msg you state here? (Yes, im a noob...im sorry)
This is also something that only happens when installing the patch, and doing the config run trough (As increasing the resolution and such) but nothing else.
If I try to start up the game without it... it works fine, until the commando mission where top-of-the map happens... tried to install the patch but get some graphical glitching and such (Do you want a screen shot maybe?)
Hopefully, you understand what I mean
Edit: This being the same as stated above, Im not really sure there has been any fixes for it or not Cause I've tried litteraly everything I could dig up about fixes for it, stated in forums and such (which pointed to alot of YOUR fixes from diffrent places) nothing seems to work properly
Edit2: Took a screenshot with what happens ingame with the CCC config, it doesnt do anything else than stretching the window outside the border, but the games window stays the same.... which glitches it for me