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About olegkvasha

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  • Location
    Stafford UK
  • Interests
    C&C Zero Hour
  1. Recently finshed my updated laser general new units so far: Laser Commanche - with original laser weapons it was meant to have Laser Mammoth(usa) - 2 fast lasers much like the avengers anti- air weapons Anyone got any other ideas?
  2. olegkvasha

    Putting Back In What EA took out

    which ini file is CIA agent in? Ive used the cia agent before but that was in someone elses mod. Id like to ad it back into my game as a useable unit
  3. Thats cool is it just yourself workin on it? do you model skin and code your own stuff?
  4. whats it about? what have you added/taken out?
  5. rising sun mod? is that your mod fire?
  6. Cheers sonic never really looked on that forum before. However most people are talking about the mod that one team is making. I thought it would be nice to have a topic for people like me who have recently started modding and they can tell others what they have managed to do/make. Rich
  7. olegkvasha


    Best air unit for baby sitting your base is the Combat Chinook filled with 2 snipers and 6 rocket soldiers. I recently enabled the combat chinook to become a veteran. so now when it gets to battered it will start to repair itself. Its still not a strong unit but it will def give the enemy a hard time especially in groups of 2.
  8. Looking through the forums recently there doesnt seem to be an updated topic about Mods. So thought I would start one. I wanna know bout mods you have made to your game, if you need help with a mod, or if you just wanna talk to modders to help you get started. enjoy
  9. olegkvasha

    Putting Back In What EA took out

    Yeah I want it to be how EA would have done it if they'd of had more time
  10. olegkvasha

    mammoth tank

    please check out fritz's site he is probably the best modder/skinner i have seen in a long time. And if you read he allows you to download and use his units. http://imperial.boinaslava.net/generals/site/
  11. olegkvasha

    mammoth tank

    Check out this mammoth by fritz scroll down to the bottom [/img]http://imperial.boinaslava.net/generals/site/
  12. olegkvasha

    Putting Back In What EA took out

    So far I have been working on the Laser General. So far I have put back in the Laser Commanche with the original weapons it was meant to have. I want these new units to be exactly like they would have been if they had actually been put in by EA. If anyone else has created some of the original units such as: CIA Agent Laser Commanhe Cruise Missle Silo and the 2 generals taken out of the game
  13. Hi I started this topic, to talk about units/generals that were left out the original game. That ppl like myself are trying to recreate and put back in.
  14. olegkvasha

    The Boss Generals

    did they manage to get the original voice files for the new generals?
  15. Thats in interesting idea never thought of having the workers make the vehicles. Did you get it to work in the end?