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About tommy

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    Who the heck cares?
  • Interests
    Sports, games, talking, sleeping, etc
  1. tommy

    Red Alert 3

    I would like to revive this thread since there's rumours speculating in the cnc community. Is it official?
  2. tommy

    Need news updaters

    Hey guys, I would need some people to help me update news at http://www.cnc.active.ws. News relating to CNC Games, technology and world affairs. Anyone interested?
  3. tommy

    Red Alert 3

    lol, who? samuel L ****ing johnson! no kane u retards It's Joseph D. Kucan.
  4. tommy

    Technology blog

    Alright, does anyone wants to help improve that blog? Help me update some news if possible? I've been neglecting that site, for my own cnc site.
  5. tommy

    Possible C&C : X FPS Footage?

    That video is hilarious. What's up with that superman jumping up and down? And those flying creatures around the "NOD" cargo seemed to be from the Matrix Sentinels. And that creature that smashed the cargo came from War of The Worlds.
  6. tommy

    Tips to defeat the Tigress Leang

    Damn, this thread is making me laugh LOL. No one had a proper strtegy and tactic.... its all pure bull and stuff ah haha. Seriously, if you want to defeat her, you will need to be gla. Being China or USA is tough on her especially on brutal level. Just keep expanding gla base with lots of black markets and stingers and tunnels. It's going to take a long time to get lots of cash to make a good invading force. What's most annoying is her sw.
  7. tommy

    Technology blog

    Quite off topic, but I'm setting up a technology blog where peeps can join in and post randomly about technology ranging from games to hardwares. the blog can be found here: http://www.hatethreats.blogspot.com . We have quite a number of members..but they seemed inactive. Looking for active peeps out there to come and bright up the atmosphere in that blogspot page. Anyone? PS: Oh ya, the design may be quite plain, but what matters is the content right?
  8. You are 100% correct. There are three series altogether However, some fans such as the ones in this thread: http://forums.cncnz.com/viewtopic.php?t=8974 complained that they are linked. In order to satisfy them, I've came out with my own linkage of C&Cs. Although it make sense..... C&C is still comprised of three series.
  9. It's in the middle of the page. Not much of a storyline, but just try to make a bridge between Generals and other C&C Games. Basically, there's no storyline in generals.
  10. Hey all, I tried an attempt to link generals with other cnc games here: http://markie0.freehyperspace.com/cnclinkage.htm See it before commenting.
  11. tommy

    Red Alert 3

    lol, who?
  12. tommy

    Red Alert 3

    Got that straight. Was hoping that they don't become bigger. It's influence and expansion is a threat to the brotherhood. Hey all if you want further discussing on red alert 3, please join the forums at http://www.cnc.active.ws . We are discussing hard on this. EA staff allowed to join in if they want....provided if they are informed by the community.
  13. tommy

    Red Alert 3

    EA Games is extremely powerful in the gaming industry. Next time you know it, Blizzard will be bought over by them. EA Games will never buy over Activision. Activision is wonderful with COD 4! :wink: