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About Pyroguy

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  1. The Avenger Blue Laser causes all units that attack the unit with the blue laser on them to have a slight increased accuracy, rate of fire, and damage. Multiple avengers dont do anything for a single target, but multiple tanks and Avengers can take out forces that are almost one and a half times as large as them if used right.
  2. Pyroguy

    Alpha's - can they be taken down?

    Auroras (Alphas too) are 100% invincible before dropping their bombs. However, they do become vulnerable for a few seconds when they receive new commands, regardless if they are carrying a bomb or not. Personally, I think that the Aurora should be invincible while returning, not going to drop its payload. But that's just me. EDIT: Sorry, this isn't 100% true; any superweapon/generals weapon or weapon in general that drops onto the GROUND and also has an air explosion can damage or kill them, regardless of state. EMPs can too, but ONLY the ones dropped from aircraft, not the missile ones.
  3. I've searched a lot online, and I havn't found any good tutorials on useful tools or applications to make a Generals Mod. I want to do a full mod; so I need to edit models, INI, and .bigs, but im not sure what programs to use or how to set them up. Can anyone give me some suggestions?