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About pnoy

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    C&CG Lol
  1. pnoy

    Mods for C&CZH

    Yeah, I know, that's why I"m planning on buying it.
  2. pnoy

    Mods for C&CZH

    It's hard for me to find the C&CG mods. I saw one, but it was still in the works (not yet finished) and didn't even have a demo of it or anything. Hopefully I get C&CZH soon.
  3. pnoy

    Mods for C&CZH

    I know that probably most of you already know about these mods and stuff, but I just wanted to provide them for those that don't. Also, I provided them because I wanted to know how a mod was as I don't have C&CZH yet. Here's a link to the mods (about 3 or so pages of them). C&CZH Mods I've especially been wanting to try out the Starkiller mod but as mentioned, I don't have C&CZH for myself. It's a mod that has characters, buildings, and whatnot from Starcraft, but uses the C&C (EA's) engine, so its graphics look like C&CG and C&CZH. I think there's also some elements from C&CG and C&CZH such as having general ranks. If anyone tries this mod out, could you tell me if it works and if it's good? Also, if it has online play for it (which I doubt). Thanks!
  4. pnoy

    How Do You Apply Updates?

    So EA patched up (put Online play into it) or whatever to those older C&C games? As a matter of fact, did they enable Online play for ALL of the games in the First Decade collection?
  5. pnoy

    How Do You Apply Updates?

    You consider Red Alert 2 the older games? Oh my God. C&C and RA1 don't have official online support... YET. But they do have it from XWIS, just got to do some simple work. All the other games work online right out of the box. Well, RA2 is OLDER than C&CG and C&CGZH right? That's what I mean, I'm not saying it's "old" at all, heck, I loved that game, I used to have it but I let my cousin borrow it and he lost it ! Also, I know the other games work online, just wanted to confirm the older ones. As an off topic statement, I noticed that your number of posts spelled leet (1337) lolz !
  6. pnoy

    How Do You Apply Updates?

    So, am I not able to play online then? Could I just buy Command & Conquer: The First Decade? It has online play for Generals and Zero Hour right? But, I've heard that it doesn't have online play for most (or all) of the older Command & Conquer games such as Red Alert 2. Is it true?
  7. pnoy

    How Do You Apply Updates?

    *Sorry to double post, could not edit previous post for some reason* I uninstalled then reinstalled it back, ran the update thing, but it said something about old file not found but same name as file or something like that. It then said that it didn't update! I guess that means I can't play online! I guess I'll just have to either have to put up with playing by myself with computer on skirmish/campaign, or just buy C&CFD, which I really wanna get.
  8. pnoy

    How Do You Apply Updates?

    Alright, I'll try uninstalling it then reinstalling it. But yeah, I do wanna get Command & Conqer The First Decade since it has 12 C&C games, which is excellent! Are you serious that it's only $40 for all 12 of those?! If so, that's a good deal. Do you know if they're selling them in retail stores (not online) right now (I know that they shipped out on the 7th)? Anyways, thanks for the advice, I'll try it out.
  9. pnoy

    Hello all, I could use some help

    Damn, you guys are good! I'm kinda new to C&CG. I can't even beat 1 Hard Enemy AI on Skirmish, let along 7 Brutal ones lol. Any good tips for me as I'm (I guess) considered a noob still?
  10. pnoy

    How Do You Apply Updates?

    I downloaded the 1.08 patch (the .exe file). When it was finished, I double clicked it, it had a message saying "This patch will update Command & Conquer: Generals to version 1.08 (12/15/2005). Please make sure that the game is not running before continuing" which I think wasn't that important, so I clicked ok (the game wasn't running anyways). Then, after that, a message came up saying "Missing or Invalid Registry/INI entry", so I just clicked ok. Then, it made me browse for something, I didn't know what I was supposed to browse for, so I just double clicked the "generals" launch icon in the folder, but it came up with an error saying "Old File not found. However, a file of the same name was found. No update done since file contents do not match." and the update aborted from there. Can you help me out?
  11. Yeah, I'm kinda new to Command & Conquer: Generals (C&CG), but I can't apply the updates! I start the game, click Multiplayer, click online, then it searched for updates. It said that I had to download an update, so I did. When it was finished, it said click OK to exit C&CG and apply the update, so I clicked OK. When I exit, where am I supposed to go next? I went to Program Files and opened up the C&CG folder and found two extra folders made, downloads and patches, most likely from the update. The downloads folder was empty, but in the patches one, there was an RTP File that had a name of numbers and said "english" in it or something, I guess it's a language patch or something. Anyways, how do I apply the update? I really wanna play online!