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About agreed

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  1. agreed

    Generals and router?

    But the thing is, I left my computer in the DMZ, and turned off all the software firewalls, and it still didn't work. If I just opened those ports, is there the slightest chance that it could work? On one of those guides it shows them forwarding the ports, then somehow they can select the WAN IP from the options menu, when they couldn't do that before. I guess forwarding the ports makes sense, I'll give that a go, thanks. Edit: I forwarded the ports on my router, it didn't do anything. Still get "Could not connect to Generals Zero Hour online". Will I also have to do it for any software firewalls?
  2. Hi, I've checked EVERYTHING and tried EVERYTHING to make this damned game work online. When I create an account, and attempt to connect, I get the standard "Could not connect to Generals Online" message. However, what's stupid is that it created the account, and managed to download updates for the game. I've tried disabling both the router firewall and windows firewall at the same time, no cigar. In the options menu, it reports my WAN IP as 192.168.x.x, which it is quite obviously not. Has anyone actually fixed this problem? I hear plenty of people have done so, but it seems physically impossible... Computers = heartache. Any ideas? Edit: I know it's almost definitely the router, as my friend can play perfectly normally with an ADSL modem. Even with the firewall disabled, nothing happens.