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    Editing Nuke Missile

    Ok I Posted this on anothe rthread but they never reply so im asking yall: Ok Well Since There isnt a TIb. Dawn Mod For ZH ON EARTH,I Need Help Editing Somthing.. Ive Gone threw MILLIONS OF MODS >.> And I'm Finally Setteling With One,Except one thing,I saw this Mod Called Destructive Forces,And He Edited The INI To Make the China Nuke To Oblerate The Enemy in one hit. Does anyone know how to do that?? i have the progen 2.5 Mod by DeeZire Online and I Want that effect with General Ironsides ICBM Nuke. How do you do that? If you know how to edit the Nuke Effects AT ALL or have ANY Advice HELP ME OUT!!!! I Post here all the time and dont get ANY Answers. ( PS Mere_Mortal, dont you know how to do this? help me out.
  2. Ok Well Since There isnt a TIb. Dawn Mod For ZH ON EARTH,I Need Help Editing Somthing.. Ive Gone threw MILLIONS OF MODS >.> And I'm Finally Setteling With One,Except one thing,I saw this Mod Called Destructive Forces,And He Edited The INI To Make the China Nuke To Oblerate The Enemy in one hit. Does anyone know how to do that?? i have the progen 2.5 Mod by DeeZire Online and I Want that effect with General Ironsides ICBM Nuke. How do you do that? If you know how to edit the Nuke Effects AT ALL or have ANY Advice HELP ME OUT!!!! I Post here all the time and dont get ANY Answers. (

    Tiberian Universe For ZH?

    Hey,Im a HUGE Tiberium Fan,And I Honestly think the Red alert and Generals games suck!!! i play renegade and Zero H. alot and i was wondering if there was a Mod for ZH that is based on Firestorm or W/e.. i have the mod "The first Tiberium War" Bur rhe ION Cannon Sucks,+ the AI Is Screwy. and help?

    Project Raptor ICBM Bug...

    I D/L Project Raptor And The Superweapon General's ICBM Comes Out Sideways And Stuff.. How do you get it to come out right ( Example: The Mod ProGen has the icbm come out srtaight up ) HELP ME!!
  5. I Asked This In General ZH Discussion But No1 Answered: Ok Look,I Downloaded a Mod For ZH Called Armageddon: The Final Hour. I Have The (1).03 version and i have a question: I Want To Transfer A Structure ( Bakionur Missile Launcher ) To The USA Faction.. And I Only Know BASIC File Editing.. I HAve FinalBIG and WinRAR For Refrence.. Heres a Example: If Someone Wants To Have The Chinese Nuke On The USA Side,How Would You Do That? CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME?! And I Need The Directions In As Simple Lamen Terms as you can.. If You Want Refrence Google The Mod And D/L It And Help Me Out. If You Have Questions Or Comments or even HOW TO TRANSFER STRUCTURES Tell Me :S I Will REALLY Appreciate it. :?

    If you had a trademark Unit what would it be?

    Well Since i play Generals ZH I Would Say Either Colonel Burton ( Because he shares my last name :3 ) Or Crusader Tank ( A Great All Around Tank at a low price.. so you can horde Crusaders and Paladins )

    !-I Need Help-! *Read On*:

    BTW, The Specifics i want to transfer are: Baki. Missile Launcher ICBM Nuke Silo TomaHawk Storm Nuke Truck Nuke. Power Plant ( The Big Double One,Not Chinas ) AND If Ima Fit All this on to US I Need to know how to transfer The Structures from The Armageddon Faction to The US Faction And To Create a second command bar.
  8. Ok Look,I Downloaded a Mod For ZH Called Armageddon: The Final Hour. I Have The (1).03 version and i have a question: I Want To Transfer A Structure ( Bakionur Missile Launcher ) To The USA Faction.. And I Only Know BASIC File Editing.. I HAve FinalBIG and WinRAR For Refrence.. Heres a Example: If Someone Wants To Have The Chinese Nuke On The USA Side,How Would You Do That? CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME?! And I Need The Directions In As Simple Lamen Terms as you can.. If You Want Refrence Google The Mod And D/L It And Help Me Out. If You Have Questions Or Comments or even HOW TO TRANSFER STRUCTURES Tell Me :S I Will REALLY Appreciate it. :?