well everyone knows that C@C has gone downhill since ea took over...but the fact that all people do is complain about how bad of a job EA is doing and WTF this is such a waste is pissing me off.
i think that just becasue ownership changes off and it goes into a slump is no reason to turn your back on it, in fact to use a example say someone bought sonic out(hopefuly this never happens)and some corrporation takes over. they might not care as much or listened as much,but the fact is that the community does not change.the people in it do not change. and when a company doesnt have a community behind it it is then that the game or series truly dies not the swithching of companys or ownership,but the people that suppeort the game. if you are a true fan you support through the good and the bad.not just get in a bandwagon for another game only to do thesame thing when that game goes into a slump. even if you are pissed off at the new games that EA has come out with there is no reason to turn away from classics such as tib sun or RA.
sure you may get bored of doing the same thing over but that is what internet play is for,and even then if you do decide to take a break or even stop playing you are still part of a community...and to break off in such a way is wrong to compleatly turn your back on something that has not met your expectations...your willing to get rid off 10+ years for only 8...wich i remind you the games that made you part of the community are still out there and are still being played...
and there are always patches that come out to change up the old games and make them better
and look at A PATH BEYOND it is such a great game because it is made by fans that love the game and do it becase of that