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    Kanes Wrath
  1. I have a problem. I can’t unlock the challenge “the omega program” in the middle of the Indic ocean. I really hope is the only missing mission problem. I’ve met the requirements to unlock it according to cnc.wiki and different sources, but the side mission "omega program" is absent in the challenge world map . If this challenge is absent I can't unlock Yuriko omega or finish all the side missions. In the arsenal section of the challenges, yuriko omega' requirement appears as "????" . I tried with a new profile, but I have the same problem. I tested a 100% saved game and the location is where it should be and the mission is playable. Obviously I want to play using my progress. The only thing I haven't tried is reinstalling the game, but I don't want to lose mi progress. If that fixes it only if I start a new game, i don't think it's worth it. BTW I'm using the steam version. As if it weren't enough I can’t find anything through google.
  2. How do they look like in the first decade?
  3. Procyon

    Scrin Ship in C&C 95??

    Ok, then back to topic... Can somebody rectify this information? I don't have TD at hand. so...Is it real? Or just a rumour of Wikipedia?
  4. Procyon

    Scrin Ship in C&C 95??

    1st) We are talking about Tiberian Dawn, a.k.a. C&C95, a.k.a. 1st C&C, not Tiberian Sun. 2nd) What the heck is "orso"? 3rd) Start talking and writing like an adult. I'm the Führer of the "Grammar Nazis".
  5. Procyon

    Scrin Ship in C&C 95??

    I read somewhere that the real UCO, is located in the last GDI mission, in a plateau... which is different to these crashed "things" (my opinion is that a human made vehicle, probably an A10 or Nod cargo plane). Can somebody rectify this information? I don't have TD at hand.