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Everything posted by S1lentOp

  1. S1lentOp

    Small request

    I don't know what the board's policy is on this kind of thing, so I'll try to say this as best I can... I've been playing Command & Conquer for what seems like forever, but I've never really played a lot of RTS games online. Since I've picked up a knack for Command & Conquer 3, I was wondering if anyone could refer me to any groups of people (or clans) that I could be a part of, play together with, and hopefully get better. Any help you give would be greatly appreciated. I've tried looking myself, but I honestly don't know where to look for RTS clans. I'd really like to learn the ropes of online RTS gaming because I tried playing a match earlier and it's a lot different than what I'm used to. I've normally stuck to LAN matches and just playing against the computer. If the policy on the boards is no recruiting or posting anything that would be considered recruiting, then I don't want to violate that. If that's the case, then please simply Private Message me rather than replying to this thread.
  2. S1lentOp

    Generals vs. CnC3

    In order for something to be a "new universe" in the C&C series, doesn't it have to have something remotely related to C&C besides being the same game genre and title?... I mean, Red Alert had Kane... I'll stick with my previous statement of it being a game where EA tried to fix something that wasn't broken.
  3. You're looking at it. <<<<
  4. S1lentOp

    Master Chief True Hollywood Story

    Loved it. That was funny. There are private businesses who will create armor costumes from various games, movies and animations. Chances are they bought it from one of those companies. I know that there was one group that did a really nice Master Chief suit of armor, but they went out of business I think.
  5. S1lentOp

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Maybe (I haven't played through all of it). She's also a character from Metal Gear Solid 3. So no... they're not putting a character from C&C:Renegade into Metal Gear Solid 4....
  6. S1lentOp

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Yeah. Rather than "being a ghost" which was the typical style of gameplay in the previous games, you'll be hiding in a different way. It'll be a combination of stealth and blending in with various armies. Instead of a military base, you're sneaking around in a war. Metal Gear Solid had 2 endings. Depending on whether or not you gave in to Ocelot's torture, you either get the sad ending where Meryl dies and Otacon lives or you get the happy ending where Meryl and Otacon both survive. The ideal (and apparently canonical) ending was that Meryl survived. Therefore she is still alive for Metal Gear Solid 4 as the leader of Foxhound. Also, for you MGS3, someone very interesting is making her appearance in Metal Gear Solid 4. It's EVA! Finally, there have been 3 more Metal Gear games announced. Check it out. http://www.metalgearsolid.org/show_news.php?id=1230
  7. S1lentOp

    Fenring is a TERRORIST!

    Check this out. I found their secret terrorist homepage. :roll: http://internethatemachine.org/
  8. S1lentOp

    Starcraft 2?

    Any rush can be thwarted given the right player. Really what it comes down to is who is the faster and more skilled player. Either one person is better at rushing than the other is defending or vise versa. In my time playing StarCraft, I don't know there is really a "full-proof" strategy that could work every time/
  9. S1lentOp

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Yes, the whole point of the first-aid system as well as the fatigue system was to reinforce the theme of survival and the fact that you were in a jungle. Aside from highlighting a few plot points as well, it actually did serve a purpose in game. If you were tired or injured, it would effect Snake's overall performance. He might slow down, he would bleed (thus losing health), or it can effect his ability to fire weapons accurately.
  10. S1lentOp

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    You did... it slowed you down and you bled (depending on what injury you sustained)
  11. S1lentOp

    Fenring is a TERRORIST!

    We are Anonymous. We are many, and we do not forgive! Seriously, that's pathetic. It just goes to show how out of touch the mainstream media is with the internet and various subcultures. First it was emo, then caturday (yes, it made headlines) and now it's 4chan.
  12. S1lentOp

    Generals vs. CnC3

    I honestly didn't care much for Generals. It just didn't feel like Command & Conquer to me, and the way I saw it it was EA taking their own liberties with they're newly acquired franchise. They tried to fix something that wasn't broken, and it definitely upset a lot of fans. Now I'm not saying it's a bad game, but I don't think it met the standard that previous standard that C&C games had set.
  13. S1lentOp

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    I loved it because it was innovative and creative. It was something new and added an element to the game that made the game a little more challenging.
  14. S1lentOp

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    MGS is awesome, always has been and always will be awesome. You have to actually play through the Metal Gear games to appreciate them though. It's not a game you can pick up in the middle of. I know a lot of people who were confused out of their mind when they played Metal Gear Solid 2 because they hadn't played Metal Gear Solid or the original Metal Gears. The same goes for MGS3.
  15. S1lentOp

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Your's truly is a huge MGS fan. I can't wait for this game. It's my favorite series, so I'm willing to pay for the PS3 just to play it (it's why I bought the PS2 initially too lol).
  16. S1lentOp

    Starcraft 2?

    Not really. You'd be surprised how quickly I can hit the 200 pop limit in Starcraft. Ten minutes is all you need. Not if you're playing with SC's regular crowd. They'll send units over to you the second they can make them.
  17. S1lentOp


    Hey CNCNZ. I stumbled on your website while I was looking for some tech support answers and thought you guys had a great message board here, so I decided to join in. I've been a fan of the CnC series since the beginning and own pretty much all of the games (even Retaliation for the PlayStation). The games have been a a lot of fun to play and it's nice to find a community this active that enjoys them as much as I do. Anyways, there's not much else I can say. You'll all get to know me as I begin to post, so I'll see you around on the boards. ~ S1lentOp
  18. S1lentOp

    Starcraft 2?

    I think that's basically the reason why C&C never had a population limit. In any multiplayer game, the chances of you reaching any kind of normal population limit would be slim unless there was some kind of 1-hour cease fire or something.
  19. S1lentOp

    Transformers movie have your say! *Spoilers*

    Well, I would guess that anytime you make a thread about a movie there's the likelihood that someone will post spoilers. Probably just a precaution. After all this is a "What did you think about..." thread
  20. S1lentOp

    Crysis Delayed

    lol You can't be serious...
  21. That would be cool or put a real good quote from C&C on the back. I like idea of the having a small logo or symbol on the front breast of the shirt and then have all the text on the back of the shirt.
  22. S1lentOp

    How much is your corpse worth?

    I'm worth $5115. It'd be more if I didn't drink so many sugary sodas >_>
  23. S1lentOp

    Telekenesis in Source engine

    Now we can finally beat Yuri at Counter-Strike: Source. He's had the upper hand for years now, but not more! It's time we strike back! Seriously though, this is pretty cool. I'd love to see how it feels to actually work on of those things. I just hope that you can control things with your keyboard and mouse still, though. I can just imagine having to control my game and then something happening around me and distracting me long enough to ruin what I was trying to do in the game. I wonder how it'll be able to differentiate between a person concentrating on the game and a person concentrating on something outside of the game.
  24. S1lentOp

    360 Red ring of Death

    Not really. Even with the hardware defect, the 360 still walks all over the PS3. Oh, don't go there. The 360 has its perks as does the PS3. It's a matter of preference, not superiority. The two biggest complaints about the PlayStation 3 right now are that it's too expensive and that it doesn't have enough games to be worth the expensive price tag. The price will drop eventually for the people who can't afford it (but somehow manage to pay for an XBOX 360 and a dozen games) and by 2008 there's going to be a array of new games that will make it worth the price tag (Metal Gear Solid 4). In the end though, the only people who think it's a game of superiority rather than a matter of preference are the fanboys. It is kind of funny to me though that Microsoft tried so hard to get their system out first and now its having so many problems (remember when they use to catch on fire?) that they're having to actually having to officially announce that their product is defective. Ever since they announced that their systems are defective their 360 sales dropped 60% and the whole ordeal is costing them over $1 Billion. I have a XBOX 360 myself, but I haven't had the Red Ring of Death yet. The worst I've had is that occasionally a game will freeze or I'll get an error saying that the disk can't be read even if it's a brand new game straight out of the package. Chances are I'll send mine back to MS just to get it fixed for that alone.
  25. I've never been a huge fan of EA, but I don't think that Blizzard taking forever to make a game to the point where their sales pitch is "Hell, it's about time" really means that Blizzard is the better developer. I mean, Blizzard has pretty much had its hands full with World of Warcraft and EA is just a bigger company with more developers. Therefore it would make perfect sense if EA would take less time to develop a new game since they have the manpower.