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Nitrotic Vader

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About Nitrotic Vader

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    playing computer games
  1. Nitrotic Vader


    Hi thanks for the welcome @Civil protection:What do you mean? Thanks again! Nitrotic Vader
  2. Nitrotic Vader


    Hi!I am new to the fourms and I think it is a good site with loads of Information on how to make mods or maps..I've been playing red alert2/YR for 3 years now and tiberum sun for 2years and then tiberum wars.. Nitrotic Vader
  3. Hi..I can't answer your question but I did try using Tibed but it always crashes when selected..If you happened to find out how please tell me!Thanks and good luck! Nitrotic Vader
  4. Nitrotic Vader

    Beowulf's Rules 2.1 - Released!

    Hi!Nice modding!I like the new units and what's more you even managed to get the soviets to have a MIG playable and an airfield which is my problem see here at My post Thanks if anyone could help.. Nitrotic vader
  5. Nitrotic Vader

    help with first mod

    Hi, well good luck on your mod.. Darkbuddy9 said it all..those are the common tools used for mod making although i am not sure how to use the XXC utilities .. Try using Tibed.. Nitrotic Vader
  6. Hi,I am new here but have used Tibed for a year now..It is a good pro gramme but I encountered this problem a few weeks ago.. i tried to make the Mig playable by following some from the MIg data and the Black eagle and since it needed to dock I created a Clone of the airforce command but it did not show up on the creation tab! What's wrong? Thanks.. Nitrotic Vader