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About funkylok

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  1. funkylok

    TibEd 2 beta 5f released

    Thank you Koen for all your hard and tedious work I am looking forward to EA releasing the SDK for Kanes Wrath and the editor that may follw it so i can go crash testing again. Kindly Lachlan
  2. funkylok

    TibEd 2 beta 5f released

    Koen, I have again had a failed build... (you must be getting sick of me by now) But this time, i have got all the files here to give you and all the information too. Ok this was done on the new 5f with the hotfix, on mod SDK V5 (although my computer says it is version 1) this was done on windows xp The zip file contains the mod i was working on in tibed2. Now i hope with all this you will be able to figure out why it keeps failing to build the mod successfully. Kindly Lachlan Fail_Build_Log___Delphi.txt Fail_Build_Log___Python.txt Tib3___GDI___Fun.zip
  3. funkylok

    TibEd 2 beta 5f released

    Koen I am just downloading the stand alone Mod SDK v5.0, just to hope that having the latest might help overcome these problems, along with the latest release of version 5. Will know by the end of this weekend if this problem has been fixed or not, but this time if it doesn't i will email you directly the full mod files and logs docs. But i will also report back here if it all works too. All the best Lachlan
  4. funkylok

    TibEd 2 beta 5f released

    Umm ok... guess i havent been keeping good tracking records, but i did use your latest release of TibEd 2 beta 5f. now as for the version of the Mod SDK... i havent got a clue.. yet... still looking... i got no idea where to find the version of the Mod SDK (i may have renamed the files when i downloaded them, bad habit of mine) posting the mod itself, umm will get too it... soon..
  5. funkylok

    TibEd 2 beta 5f released

    Koen i again had the build error after playing with the weapons list. i have this time kept the logs, and have broken down the one to its build information only, however the full log file of everything i did tonight is a 2.3mb text doc. If you want the full document, i can either break it down, or email it to you at a later date. Hope the information i have provided you will be enough. Thank You Lachlan Fail_Build_Log___Delphi.txt Fail_Build_Log___Python_.txt
  6. Koen, i have run into an error with the new release 5e. The problem occured after i had made a string of changes for the scrin and had tweaked the settings in special powers and upgrades. I then went on to try to edit the Weapons Template, and an error message displayed. Error type: EpyAttributeError Error message: exceptions. AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'makeelement' Since this error message first appeared, no matter what i try, including starting with a new project - whenever i select a weapon from the weapon template, this message now occurs. Hope this information can be useful to you. Lachlan