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About gmod1001

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  1. gmod1001

    Generals 2

    May i say that there is already a generals 2.. It is called Tiberium Wars :lol: Why would i say this, well for starters Tiberium Wars RUNS OFF THE SAME ENGINE so it is really the same bloody game only with new units it really brings my **** to a boil and know they are dragging red alert into this for RA3 which adds the Empire of the RiSiNg SuN ooooh sounds generic for a Chinese empire. and well that is basically it... also though.... notice how every game built on that engine has 3 factions? The good guys?.....GLA....CHINA GDI....NOD.....SCRIN (red alert 3) Allies.....Soviet Union......AND NO THE EMPIRE OF THE RISING SUNS WTF!!!???? the empire of the rising suns is pretty much just a remodeled, renamed China from Generals WTF???? i HATE EA with a passion thank you, and good night