well if any of you want to bet the general leang
TIPS - Style = General Dubzac - capture and go tactic
-build 4 dozers/workers or whatever you got
-build powerplant and barracks
-pump out at least 5 infantry make sure they can get the capture upgrade
-buy the capture upgrade
-scout and capture all you can with out being shot at
-build most of your base forget SW's for now
-build at least five building flushing units vehicles only
-move to the bunker donot capture (this will help big time in slowing down the timer
-capture the artillery on the hill (this should help destory slow heavy tanks.
-move a dozer or worker to build defences north NW, W, NE. and place artillery in support with the defence
(dont move into the town unless your ready tiggers will be set off)
-build a force of 8 tanks and at lest 6 infantry move slowly into the town watch for a ambush.
-build a back up force and take out the overlord and other pathic guards capture all but the reactor
untill its needed to stop the sw's
-with yor two forces flak all enemys and move to brige with at least one or two dozers or workers
(you need to block the enemys force aross the brige theres like helixs and heavy tanks so move fast)
-build a mother load of light tanks and rocket guys make sure to build factorys on the other side of the brige as you go
- capture anything you see
- Major win heh heh