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About Bullet

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    Lance Corporal

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    C&C Red Alert 1

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  1. Bullet

    PortableRA Beta

    In your new release will there all fixes be activatable for online play?
  2. Bullet

    PortableRA Beta

    Hello Iran i have some feedback for your features list. You should give it an appropriate order for a better overview. Also links in a directory would be nice though It should be like: First all Crash and Bug fixes, then all Features + Additions and not until then the configurable tags for 1. redalert.ini, music.ini then all tags for All the fixes and finally all modding related tags in Rules.ini, aftrmath.ini etc. Also i noticed you neither activated the Ore Mine Foundation Fix for Online Multiplayer nor you made it configurable via a Rules Tag Same for Building Crew for Tesla Coils and many other fixes. Why not giving all Fixes configurable Tags? Why have only a few fixes tags? The other fixes should have tags too. So you can use all Fixes also Online if all players activate them. Thanks Iran
  3. Bullet

    PortableRA Beta

    Hello r34ch thanks for appreciating my mod features. To answer your question, yes i have made the PSX Icons with the original Ore Silo Icon and i also coloured the Background of the Icons to grey as in Retaliation. First of all its still a long way until Irans PortableRA is finished, because he just started to implement Mod options to the game, as fixing the Bugs of it is much more important. If Iran does implement more and more of the needed Mod options for my Mod which are already in Arda (But it doesnt have all the Bug fixes), then for sure i will be willing to give him the PSX graphic files, but you need to ask Iran too I hope someday he implement all Mod Features Arda has, because Arda seems to be dead
  4. Bullet

    PortableRA Beta

    Why you dont want to tell me, which Version of RAED you included in your PortableRA? x) Is it 1.25?
  5. Bullet

    PortableRA Beta

    If you didnt updated RAED Scenario Editor, then how you added the new Triggers and Features to it? Still i want to know which Version of RAED you included in your PortableRA
  6. Bullet

    PortableRA Beta

    Today i tried to run PortableRA in Full Resolution (my Screen max Resolution is 1366x768) and i attached what happens in the main lobby. I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit. I can only fix it, when i use the OpenGL renderer instead of the GDI renderer. In other versions with cncdraw and without PortableRA i did not have this problem and i was able to use GDI renderer. Besides i noticed the "Slow Unit Build" Option from the former Internet Lobby in the game, isnt enabled in the Skirmish and Lan Lobby like in C&C Arda. Iran you build in RAED with updates like new Triggers... on which RAED version did you base it? Also you could add a 126x126 Water Base map for Marine Missions Keep up the Good work!
  7. Bullet

    PortableRA Beta

    Hmm i would like to know what was the actually problem with the tags? I can remember there were problems with the name tags or something until the patch came out. Was it a game crashing bug? What was the result of the error? Thanks Iran
  8. Bullet

    PortableRA Beta

    Hey Iran you have done nice work! Seems that you have fixed all known Bugs in RA so far, so that you are already starting to implement Mod options. As i can see you have also many Bug fixes from Arda, did you implemented all of them? What about the fix for the Problem related to Tags? As for options for your new Vehicles i really would appreciate Seclection Bracket settings, Larger Unit Update Rectangle, so that even big Unit Images have no graphical glitches, Radar Jammer Option and specific Options to be able to implement the C&C1 MLRS Rocket Launcher (not SSM Launcher): Reload (it is already in RA but it does not work), Turret, Turretposition and Turretframes, so the Turret of the MLRS can rotate its Turret on the Back like in C&C1 independable of the Vehicle itself. Would be really good for Mods Thank you for all the hard work!
  9. Bullet

    PortableRA Beta

    Iran does the new Desert Theater cause out of sync errors ?
  10. Wow a Ready Button, finally the hoster cant start a game without the permission of the Joiners. In Red Alert mostly the Host starts the game instantly without asking anyone if they are happy with the game settings. Suggestions: The AI Difficultys should not be named 1, 2, 3 it should be Easy, Normal, Hard and the colours should be actually visible colours like in Red Alert.
  11. Bullet

    PortableRA Beta

    Iran are you sure the Technology Issue is actually a Bug or is it intended that you dont lose the Technology? And the Radar Dome Crash cant be reproduced as we dont know what exactly to do, aside the fact that you need a Radar Screen and Low Power. But still then it dont always crashes, so i cant test it. And the Hidden explosions Bug replies also to (big) Buidlings. Seems that you now have contact with AlexB, is he interested in your Fixes?
  12. Bullet

    PortableRA Beta

    Iran the Radar Dome Crash maybe happens in 1 out of 5 long games which last a few hours. Are you sure the Crash can only happen when units are moving around? How many units need to move while the Crash happens? Must the moving units be on the Radar Screen or not? Also do you have now contact with AlexB?
  13. I have another Arda Crash! Do you know what it causes? Is it a Bug i already reported or a new one? Thanks! Arda Rev 170 Crash 24.2.13.rar
  14. Bullet

    PortableRA Beta

    Hello Iran will your Standalone Patch add INI Options to add new Weapons, Warheads and Projectiles? What about Wall Placement? Will you change it so, that you can build walls faster? Keep up the good work!
  15. Seems to be related to the fact that i was allied with my teammate. So it is a new Bug, can you fix it?