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Count Toten

Oh for a Pause button and decent Camera control

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This game could have been massively improved with the inclusion of a pause button, I know the menu can be selected to give you time to collect your thoughts but any serious tactics cannot be enacted this way, more like a click fest. Oh! with a game needing high specs for its time why didn't they give it better camera controls. When units are commanded to leave a building they often hide on the blind side- in AoW they come out pre selected saving the need for another click and if in doubt you can wizz round the back of the building to make sure. I've got used to this feature in the Blitzkrieg and CN Panzers games and miss it.


I kow some RTS diehards say pause buttons are for pansies, real gamers just blast there way through regardless, but after playing a number of games like this and eventually feeling its just all more of the same. A deeper gaming experience can be had by using more true to life strategy and tactics - Think " Soldiers Heroes of WW2" that game really demanded a gamer to be up to snuff to get anywhere.

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but thats the whole point of stratergy games to think fast and make the right decisions quickly. It is a real-time stratergy not a turn based one where you have ages to assess your options.

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hitting esc key works fine for me.... its pretty easy to remember where my units and the enemy units are without having to physically see them on screen. Then again I havent really needed to do this yet as I tend to predict what the enemies going to do relatively easily and pre-counter them before they can make their move.

Of course the AI in generals and ZH is seriously flawed.. no real battlefield leader would send his troops out without first making sure his base is adequetly defended. o.O

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True - but the pause buttons gives you a chance to give the various units orders and queue them so when you press go some rather more complicated orders can be performed simultaneously. I always thought that in this game the camera could be rotated, am I missing something.


That aside I'm really enjoying working through the various campaigns, the gameplay is quite enthralling and it makes for an interesting scenario and I'm looking forward to some of the Download single missions that appear on this Website.

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