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Help needed to support editing of Behavior tags

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You can help to add support for Behavior editing. When you have the following INI code:

  Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_04

    Mass = 5.0


  Behavior = ParachuteContain ModuleTag_05

    PitchRateMax        = 60   ; deg/sec

    RollRateMax         = 60   ; deg/sec

    LowAltitudeDamping  = 0.2  ; how much to damp swaying when we get "close" to the ground

    ParachuteOpenDist   = 12.5 ; how far we have to fall 'till we open our 'chute

    AllowInsideKindOf   = PARACHUTABLE

    ParachuteOpenSound  = ParachuteOpen


You can identify Behavior types of PhysicsBehavior and ParachuteContain. For PhysicsBehavior, I generated the following entry:

  <object_behavior_physicsbehavior keyfield="key" valuefield="value">

    <key name="Behavior"></key>

    <category>Physics Behavior module</category>

    <key name="AllowBouncing"></key>

    <key name="Mass"></key>


Note that the AllowBouncing does not occur in this specific INI code, but does in several other PhysicsBehavior entries.

If a specific key occurs multiple times, then the key tag becomes:

<key name="Something" multi="1"></key>

Consistent naming is important; *CAPITALS DO MATTER*. So, 'object_behavior_physicsbehavior' is all lowercase for a reason.

For entries you've done, you can create a separate list:

              <Behavior_PhysicsBehavior exp="Behavior = PhysicsBehavior*" />

              <Behavior_ParachuteContain exp="Behavior = ParachuteContain*" />

of all the behavior entries which have been documented.


Basically, finding all the existing kinds of behaviors and looking which keys go with that is a huge job - and it'd be great if someone did it for me.

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